The digital files of the SGS CD (revised June 2021) includes the following items:
- SGS Publications by Madeline Mills and Katherine Olsen (corrections included)
- The Descendants of Robert Seeley (1602-1667) and Obadiah Seeley (1614- 1657), Generations One through Five
- The Sixth Generation Families: Descendants of Robert Seeley (1602-1667) and Obadiah Seeley (1614-1657), 2021 Edition
- The Seventh Generation Families: Descendants of Robert Seeley (1602- 1667) and Obadiah Seeley (1614-1657), 2019 Edition
- SGS Funded Research Reports including those by Fred C. Hart, Jr. CG; Alan Phipps, MA, AG, Clifford L. Stott, CG, and Apryl Cox, AG
SGS Newsletters:
Every edition of the newsletter from 1965-2014, scanned and saved in PDF format as well as searchable text format. Includes searchable indexes of all newsletter articles through 2006, Seeley surnames and Surnames Other than Seeley that have appeared in the newsletter.