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Board of Directors

The SGS Board of Directors is comprised of an elected Executive Board and additional Officers appointed by the SGS President as outlined in the Society’s Constitution.

The board’s fundamental duty is to effectively and ethically uphold the SGS mission by providing management and oversight in the areas of compliance, governance and strategic direction, financial accountability, and stakeholder representation and engagement.

Executive Board

SGS Elected Officers & Directors for 2023-2025

The Executive Board consists of the elected officers of the Society, which are the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Genealogist, and three Directors, all elected from the general membership.

Connie Birth

Connie Birth

Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor

1st VP & Director of Communication
Jesse Crisler

Jesse S. Crisler

2nd Vice President
Patrica Palmer

Patricia Brooks Palmer

Margaret Petersen

Margaret Petersen

Linda Crocker

Linda L. Crocker

Chief Genealogist, Query Editor, & SGS Ancestor File Chair
Terry Tietjens

Terry Tietjens

1st SGS Director & Seelye Research Center Director
Wesley Waring

Wesley Waring

2nd SGS Director
Pamela D. Turner

Pamela D. Turner

3rd SGS Director, Seelye Research Center Librarian & SGS CD-ROM Manager

Appointed Officers

Officers Appointed by the President for 2023-2025

The SGS President is responsible for appointing additional officers to support the board and manage important aspects of the Society’s activities.  The President appoints an Ancestor Files Chair, Membership Chair, Director of Communication, Assistant Genealogists (as needed), and a Director of the Seelye Research Center.  The immediate past President serves as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board in a non-voting advisory capacity.

With approval of the Executive Board, the President may also establish other  positions and collateral duties.

Lynda Simmons

Lynda Simmons

Past President & Acting Parliamentarian
Shanna Besendorfer

Shanna Besendorfer

Membership Chair
Kara L. Seelye Donaldson

Kara L. Seelye Donaldson

DNA Lineage Project Co-Manager

Barbara Lewis

DNA Lineage Project Co-Manager
Annette Earl

Annette Earl

SGS Historian
Jim Rienhardt

Jim Rienhardt

SGS Newsletter Editor
Mark Seely

Mark Seely

SGS Assistant Webmaster

SGS Committees

SGS Committees support the Board of Directors but are not part of the board.

The Society encourages and welcomes you to take an active role in sustaining the SGS and researching and preserving Seeley information for each other and posterity.  One way to do that is to participate in our standing and ad hoc committees.

The committees below have been formed to engage you and draw on your experiences and expertise in support of Society goals.  If you’re interested in participating, contact Connie Birth, SGS President, for more information.

Awards and Recognition Committee  (Standing Committee)
Seeks opportunities to recognize the work and achievements of the society and its members.

SGS Research Committee (Standing Committee)
Conducts and arranges for genealogical research on behalf of the society.

DNA Research Committee  (Standing Committee)
Manages the SGS DNA lineage project and works with the above committee to research and share information about the use of DNA in genealogy.

Publications/Communication Committee (Standing Committee)
Oversees the publishing of the SGS Newsletter, Reunion Souvenir Book, and other publications.

SGS Website Redesign Committee (Standing Committee)
Oversees the website’s design and maintenance.

Nominating Committee  (Ad hoc Committee)
The president appoints a nominating committee one year in advance of the bi-annual family reunion, as per the SGS Constitution.

Auditing Committee (Ad hoc Committee)
Appointed by the president every two years to audit financial records and activities of SGS.

Looking to pay for the 2023 SGS International Reunion fees online? Learn How