Wilma Louise Seeley
Gender: Female
Spouse: Carl A. Lemcool
Date of Marriage: July 15, 1950
Marriage Place: Traverse City, MI
Gender: Female
Spouse: Carl A. Lemcool
Date of Marriage: July 15, 1950
Marriage Place: Traverse City, MI
Saturday, July 15th, Miss Wilma Louise Seeley, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. C.K. Seeley of Traverse City and Carl A. Lemcool, son of Mrs. Bert Lemcool were united in marriage at the First Church of Christ. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Marshall Rogers.
Frank Crock, organist, accompanied Mrs. Bruce Blackmore, who sang “Thru the Years,” “Because: and “The Lord’s Prayer.”
The bride’s dress of white organdy had a fingertip veil and long train. The veil fell from a halo of lily of the valley. She carried a white Bible covered with white and red rosebuds tied with satin ribbon caught with red rosebuds.
The bride’s sister, Miss Phyllis Seeley, was the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Jane Douglas and Miss Eunice Sutherland, both of Mt. Pleasant. The attendants wore ankle-length redingote styled dresses of pastel nylon over taffeta. Their corsages were gladioli’s matching their gowns.
Herbert Lemcool, brother of the groom, was the best man and the ushers were William McCort and John Travis.
A reception for 200 guests was held in the church parlors after the ceremony. Dr. and Mrs. K.W. Tinker acted as master and mistress of ceremonies. Presiding at the bride’s table were Mrs. Carl McDonald and Mrs. Flora Rogers and serving the punch were Miss Jean Heiges and Miss Barbara Kiefer. Miss Myrtle Cobb was at the gift table and Mrs. Jack Wood was in charge of the guest book.
The bride’s mother wore navy blue with navy and white accessories and the groom’s mother wore rose bemberg with white accessories. Both had corsages of rosebuds.
Out of town guests were present from Muskegon, Mt. Pleasant, Kalkaska, Mancelona, Alina, Plymouth, Williamsburg, Maple City, Sault Ste. Marie and Lansing.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemcool will make their home at 185 East Tenth street, after their return from a wedding trip in the Upper Peninsula. For her trip, the bride wore a summer suit of pink gabardine with navy and white accessories.
Published in the Record-Eagle, Thursday, July 20, 1950 page 7