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Ruth Seeley


Gender: Female


Spouse: Harold Gladstone Snodgrass

Date of Marriage: April 12, 1919

Marriage Place: San Francisco, CA

The marriage of Miss Ruth Seeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seeley, and Harold Gladstone Snodgrass, son of the late David F. Snodgrass, a pioneer banker of the San Joaquin valley, took place last Saturday afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents.

Miss Seeley is a graduate of one of the private schools in this city and was a student of the University of California. Snodgrass was also a student at the University and had passed the examinations at the naval school for his commission when the armistice was signed. He is a member of the Sigma Epsilon fraternity.

Mrs. Glenn Knight attended the bride as a matron of honor, and Walter Frederich was best man, taking the place of Joseph Seeley Jr., who is still in Frances with the postal service at Chaumont. The ring bearer was Walter Trefts Jr. and the ribbon bearers were Kenneth Gerrard and Philip J. Eisenmann. Rev. Frederick Clampett read the marriage service.

The decorations at the Seeley home were unusually beautiful. The ceremony took place in the conservatory, which had been converted into a bower of Woodwardia ferne, with an altar at one end. Tall flowering rose trees that were thick with pink blossoms were on either side of the altar. Baskets of spring flowers here and there added to the attractive effect.

Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass are enjoying a honeymoon in Southern California and will be absent a fortnight.

Published in The San Francisco Chronicle, April 14, 1919 page 6

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