Robert Seeley
Gender: Male
Spouse: Mary Edith Batesel
Date of Marriage: December 27, 1954
Marriage Place: Great Bend, KS
Gender: Male
Spouse: Mary Edith Batesel
Date of Marriage: December 27, 1954
Marriage Place: Great Bend, KS
MARRIED TODAY – Miss Mary Edith Batesel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Alvin Batesel, will be married to Mr. Robert Lee Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seeley this afternoon at 1:30 at the Baker Ave. Baptist church.
Published in the Great Bend Daily Tribune (Great Bend, KS) Sunday December 27, 1953 page 3
Mary Batesel, Robert Seeley Are Wed Here
Marriage vows for Mary Edith Batesel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Batesel, 100-10th and Lee Robert Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seeley, 2412-7th, were read Sunday, Dec. 27, at 1:30 p.m. in the Baker Avenue Baptist church.
The Rev. R.H. Spangler read the vows before an altar decorated with baskets of white mums, Christmas greenery and poinsettias.
The wedding music was presented by Mrs. R.H. Spangler and Mary Ann Spangler. Attendants of the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Edwards of Great Bend. Ushers were Glen Batesel, brother of the bride, and Charles Seeley, brother of the groom.
The bride was given in marriage by her father, wore a navy blue suit with winter white accessories and a corsage of red roses.
The bride attended Great Bend schools and is now employed by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. of Great Bend.
The groom who attended Soloman schools is now in the service and is stationed at Fort Riley.
Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards. Mrs. Edwards was in charge of the guest book, Mrs. Clyde Hiatt cut the cake and Mrs. Billy Ray Edwards poured.
The bride and groom took a short wedding trip through Oklahoma and Texas. They are now at home in Great Bend.
Published in the Great Bend Daily Tribune, January 7, 1954 page 3
[Great-great-great-grandson of SGS # 3439 – Lee Robert; Ralph E.; Walter E.; Joseph Thomas; Joseph Willis; Cornelius (#3439); Daniel (# 1554); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]