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Paul Seeley


Gender: Male


Spouse: Mary M. Buchan

Date of Marriage: November 23, 1929

Marriage Place: Titusville, PA

Well Known Young Couple Wedded Saturday Evening

Miss Mary M. Buchan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buchan, West Spring street, and Paul Seeley of Jamestown, N.Y., were united in marriage Saturday evening at the Baptist parsonage, North Perry street, by the pastor, Rev. Earl B. Williams. Following the service, a reception was held for the couple at the home of the bride’s parents.

The couple was attended by Miss Buchan, sister of the bride, and Lawrence Seeley, brother of the bridegroom.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Seeley are well known young people with many friends to extend congratulations and best wishes. The bride is a graduate of the High school. They will reside in Jamestown where Mr. Seeley is employed.

Attesting to the popularity of the bride was the large number of useful and pretty gifts, which were displayed in an upstairs room of the Buchan residence. Since her graduation in 1927 the bride has been employed at the Stegner store in the West End. When the couple left for their wedding trip, Miss Lulu Eddy caught the bride’s bouquet.

Published in the Titusville Herald, November 25, 1929 page 10

[Lineage – Paul A.; Frank Nelson; Charles Grandison; Zadoc; Samuel; Unknown]

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