Olive C. Seeley
Gender: Female
Spouse: William C. Volland
Date of Marriage: January 1, 1914
Marriage Place: Burlington, KS
Gender: Female
Spouse: William C. Volland
Date of Marriage: January 1, 1914
Marriage Place: Burlington, KS
Volland – Seeley
At the home of the officiating minister in Burlington January 1, 1914, Olive C. Seeley and William C. Volland were married by Rev. W.H. Nation and they left the next day for a visit with relatives after which they will return and make their home here. They have the best wishes of their friends.
Published in The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), Monday, January 5, 1914 Page 4
[Granddaughter of SGS # 3202 – Olive Cordelia; John W.; Samuel (# 3202); John Tucker (# 1411); Josiah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]