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Maureen Seeley


Gender: Female


Spouse: Charles Koenig

Date of Marriage: September 6, 1952

Marriage Place: Oshkosh, WI

Oshkosh Couple Wed In Informal Ceremony

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koenig have returned from their wedding trip to Northern Michigan and Canada, following their marriage Saturday, Sept. 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Westphal, 719 11th St.

Mrs. Koenig, the former Miss Maureen Seeley of Fond du Lac, is the daughter of Mrs. Rose Seeley, 383 N. Park Ave., Fond du Lac, and Mr. Koenig is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Westphal, 192 Spruce St. The Rev. Franklin R. Brehmer, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, officiated at the 1:30 service.

The bride, wearing a white suit with matching accessories and a natural orchid corsage, was attended by Mrs. Wilbur Westphal, Milwaukee, who wore a gray suit with a corsage of natural orchids. Wilbur Westphal of Milwaukee was best man for Mr. Koenig. A supper and reception was held at the home of the bridegroom’s parents for the bridal party and members of the immediate families.

Mr. and Mrs. Koenig are residing at 722 Broad St. He is employed by the Wisconsin Axle Division.

Published in the Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, (Oshkosh, WI) Saturday September 13, 1952 page 8

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