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Lauriette May Seeley


Gender: Female


Spouse: James L. Mellon

Date of Marriage: November 17, 1951

Marriage Place: Syracuse, NY

Mellon – Seeley Rites in November

OSWEGO – Mrs. Ada Seeley of 49 E. Sixth st., announces the engagement of her daughter, Lauriette May, to James L. Mellon, son of Mrs. Blanche Mellon of Richland. The wedding will take place in November.

Miss Seeley is employed at the Birdseye canning factory, Fulton and Mellon is employed at the Carrier Corp. in Syracuse.

Published in the Syracuse Herald Journal, Friday, September 21, 1951, page 21

Miss Seeley Bride of James Mellon

OSWEGO – The Church of the Evangelists Saturday afternoon was the scene of the marriage of Miss Lauretta May Seely, daughter of Mrs. Ada Seeley, 49 E. Sixth st. to James Mellon, son of Mrs. Blanche Mellon, Richland. The Rev. David Jones, rector officiated.

Attendants were Miss Barbara Seeley, maid of honor, and William Finch, best man.

Following a wedding reception for 35 guests at the bride’s home, the couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls. They will reside at Bunker Hill.

Published in the Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), Monday, November 19, 1951, page 15

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