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Hilda Ruth Seeley


Gender: Female


Spouse: George Edmund Clifford

Date of Marriage: September 2, 1949

Marriage Place: Fairfield, ME

Hilda Seeley Is Wedded

Fairfield, Sept. 10. – The marriage of Hilda Ruth Seeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Seeley of Benton, formerly of Fort Fairfield, to George Edmund Clifford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Clifford of Benton, took place in the Fairfield Baptist Church, Sept. 2 with the Rev. David B. Howe performing the ceremony.

The attendants were the bride’s sister, Miss Mary Lee Seeley, as maid of honor, her cousin, Miss Joan M. Hockenhull of Orono, and Mrs. Claude Archer of Palermo as bridesmaids. Harolyn Clifford, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Roger Clifford of Clinton, another brother, and Roland Seely, Winslow, brother of the bride, ushered.

The bride’s gown was of white Chantilly lace and her veil of illusion was attached to a coronet of seed pearls. She carried white roses and lilies of the valley.

The maid of honor wore white failie and carried yellow gladioli. Miss Hockenhull wore pastel green marquisette and Mrs. Archer wore pastel lavender. Both carried gladioli.

Dean Reed of Fairfield was soloist.

At the reception at the home of the bride’s parents, Miss Ellen Clifford was in charge of the guest book; Miss Anita Page, the punch bowl; Mrs. Roland Seeley and Miss Betty Rabadeau, gifts. The Misses Barbara Stevens, Madeline Mazerali and Geraldine Lessard, and Mrs. Roland Seeley served.

Following a trip to the White Mountains, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford will make their home at 17 Melville Street, Augusta.

The bride was graduated from Cony High School in 1946 and is employed in the Finance Department, Bureau of Accounts and Control, State House, Augusta.

Published in the Portland Press Herald, September 11, 1949, Section C page 5

Hilda R. Seeley Of Benton To Wed G.E. Clifford Next Fall

Benton, May 21. – Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Seeley of Benton, formerly of Fort Fairfield, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Hilda Ruth, to George Edmund Clifford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clifford of Unity Road Clinton.

Miss Seeley was graduated from Cony High School, Augusta, in 1946 and is employed by the Finance Department, Bureau of Accounts and Control, State House, Augusta.

Mr. Clifford was graduated from Lawrence High School, Fairfield in 1946, and is employed by the Lucas Tree Expert Company, Portland.

The wedding is planned for early Fall.

Portland Press Herald, Many 22, 1949 Section C Page 2

[Great-great-granddaughter of SGS # 3274 – Hilda Ruth; Ralph Linwood; Linwood Ralph; Ralph Linwood; Ezekiel A. (#3274); Ezekiel (# 1431); Ezekiel; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]

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