Hazel Seeley
Gender: Female
Spouse: Evan Ardiel
Date of Marriage: August 18, 1909
Marriage Place: Upland, NE
Gender: Female
Spouse: Evan Ardiel
Date of Marriage: August 18, 1909
Marriage Place: Upland, NE
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Z.L. Seeley on Wednesday afternoon when their daughter Hazel was united in marriage to Dr. Evan Ardiel, who has practiced medicine in Upland for the past fifteen months.
Promptly at two thirty, to the strains of the wedding march played by Dr. Johnston, the bridal procession commenced. The wedding took place in the west room under a bower of lovely flowers. Miss Florence Seeley, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid while Dr. F.B. Patterson, of Campbell, an old chum of the groom, was best man. Rev. Throckmorton performed the ceremony following which congratulations were showered upon both the bride and groom. Miss Pembleton, of York, sang “My Dear” after which the guests sat down to a delightful wedding luncheon.
The bride received more that the usual number of very pretty and useful wedding presents.
Dr. and Mrs. Ardiel left on the evening train for Lincoln, Chicago, Grand Rapids, and London, Ontario, amid shower of rice and …cut off
Published in an unknown paper, date unknown. Donated to the Seeley Genealogical Society by Bette Lou Nienstedt.
[Granddaughter of SGS #2436 – Hazel; Zenus Large, Luther Reed (#2436); Alden Henry (#890); John; Ephraim; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]