Gertrude Agnes Seeley
Gender: Female
Spouse: Sidney A. Shaddick
Date of Marriage: October 8, 1913
Marriage Place: Fitchburg, MA
Gender: Female
Spouse: Sidney A. Shaddick
Date of Marriage: October 8, 1913
Marriage Place: Fitchburg, MA
Marriage Ceremony at St. Bernard’s Church Witnessed by Large Congregation of Relatives and Friends
Sidney A. Shaddick, 24 Morris street, Everett, and Miss Gertrude Agnes Seeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Seeley, 11 Boylston street, were married at St. Bernard’s church this morning at 9 o’clock by Rev. Fr. James J. Donnelly. The church contained a large congregation of friends and relatives of the bride and groom from this city and various other places. The marriage ceremony was followed by a nuptial mass at which Rev. Fr. George S.L. Connor was the celebrant.
The bride was attended by Miss Teresa Seeley, a sister, while her brother, Charles E. Seeley, attended the groom. The bridal party entered the church while the bridal chorus from Lohengrin was played on the organ by Miss M.G. Carey. The organist also played several appropriate selections during the mass and as a recessional played Mendelssohn’s wedding march.
The bride wore a handsome tailored suit of brown with hat to match. The bridesmaid wore a Balkan dress of blue serge and hat in keeping. Immediately after the mass a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents to immediate relatives and later in the day Mr. and Mrs. Shaddick left for a brief wedding trip to include visits to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.
On their return they will reside in Everett where the groom is a marine engineer. They will be at home to their friends after Jan. 1, 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Shaddick received many beautiful and substantial wedding gifts of cut glass, linen, silver, etc. as they are exceedingly well known and popular among a large circle in this city, Leominster and Everett. The gift to the bridesmaid was a solid gold watch while the best man received a gold stick pin and cuff links.
Published in Fitchburg Sentinel (Fitchburg, Massachusetts) Wednesday, October 8, 1913