Georgia Evelyn Seely
Gender: Female
Spouse: I.R. Clark
Date of Marriage: November 1, 1941
Marriage Place: Grants Pass, OR
Gender: Female
Spouse: I.R. Clark
Date of Marriage: November 1, 1941
Marriage Place: Grants Pass, OR
Marriage Solemnized – Georgia Evelyn Seely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Seely of 1928 Etna street, and I.R. Clark, son of William Clark of Grants Pass, were united in marriage on Saturday evening, November 1, at 7 o’clock at the home of the bride’s brother, James Seely, in Grants Pass. Relatives and a few close friends of the young couple attended the ceremony, which was followed by a wedding dinner served by a wedding dinner served by Mrs. James Seely and her sister, Martha Caton. Mrs. LaVerne Myers of Medford acted as matron of honor and Eugene Seely was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have returned to Klamath Falls and will make their home here.
Published in The Evening Herald (Klamath Falls, Oregon) Tuesday, November 4, 1941
[Great-granddaughter of SGS # 1948 – Georgia Evelyn; George Adelbert; Darius; Hiram (#1948); Daniel (#609); Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]