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George Seely


Gender: Male


Spouse: Kathie Blyth

Date of Marriage: May 12, 1909

Marriage Place: Clareton, Ontario


The marriage of Mr. George Seely, of Goodall Brothers’ firm, to Miss Katie Blyth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blyth, 150 Nicholas street, took place yesterday afternoon at the manse of Eastern Methodist Church, Rev. George S. Clendinnen officiating. The couple were unattended and only the immediate relatives were present.

The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a handsome traveling suit of crushed strawberry shade, with hat to match.
Many gifts were received from a large circle of friends, with whom the young couple were most popular. Mr. and Mrs. Seely left to visit at several towns along the Ottawa and on their return will reside at 712 Gilmour street.

Published in The Ottawa Evening Journal, Thursday, May 13, 1909 page 6

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