Deforest H. Seely
Gender: Male
Spouse: Ollie Rumsey
Date of Marriage: October 16, 1918
Marriage Place: Millerton, NY
Gender: Male
Spouse: Ollie Rumsey
Date of Marriage: October 16, 1918
Marriage Place: Millerton, NY
Millerton, Oct. 21. – A pretty wedding took place at noon Wednesday, Oct. 16th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rumsey, when their only daughter, Ollie, was married to Deforest H. Seely, of Painted Post, by Rev. John Darrow, of the Millerton M.E. church. Only a small party of friends were present. The bride is a very popular young lady, a graduate of Meeker’s Business College and a valued employe of the Ingersoll-Rand Co., of Painted Post, while the groom holds a responsible position with the same company. They will reside at Painted Post, where their home is already provided.
Published in The Wellsboro Agitator, Wednesday October 23, 1918 page 5