Charlotte Jane Seeley
Spouse: Joseph H. Gustafson
Date of Marriage: March 7, 1964
Marriage Place: Diamond, PA
Spouse: Joseph H. Gustafson
Date of Marriage: March 7, 1964
Marriage Place: Diamond, PA
Gustafson – Seeley
Miss Charlotte Jane Seeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Seeley of Titusville, RD 2, and Joseph H. Gustafson, son of Mrs. Allen Gustafson of 332 W. Spring St., were married Nov. 7 at the Diamond EUB Church.
Rev. Gerald Lundeen, pastor, performed the double-ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate families.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harvey of Rootstown, Ohio, attended the couple.
Mrs. Gustafson is employed at Sylvania Electric and her husband at Heist Furniture.
Washington, D.C., was the destination of their wedding trip.
Published in the Titusville Herald, November 24, 1964 page 8
[Lineage – Charlotte Jane; Burton Robert; William Robert; William Arthur; Alva; Samuel; Unknown]