Charlene Mae Seeley
Gender: Female
Spouse: Edwin Gott
Date of Marriage: December 30, 1962
Marriage Place: Monroe, MI
Gender: Female
Spouse: Edwin Gott
Date of Marriage: December 30, 1962
Marriage Place: Monroe, MI
Miss Seeley Married To Edwin Gott
Miss Charlene Mae Seeley and Edwin C. Gott were married in the Presbyterian Church , Monroe, Mich., Dec. 30.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Seeley, 504 West Herrick St., Wellington. Mr. Gott is the son of Mrs. Edna Gott, 107 Brown St., Wellington and the late Carl Gott.
The bride wore a blue velvet suit. She carried pink carnations on a white Bible.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Nichols Jr. of La Grange were attendants. Mrs. Nichols was attired in a pink wool dress. She wore a corsage of white carnations.
The former Miss Seeley was graduated from Wellington High School in 1956. She is employed in the bookkeeping department of the First Wellington Bank.
A 1955 graduate of Wellington High School, Mr. Gott is stationed with the U.S. Army engineers at Camp Walters, Tex.
Published in the Chronicle Telegram, January 11, 1961
[Great-Great-Great-Great-Grand-daughter of SGS # 1993 – Charlene Mae; Charles W; Orville J.; Wesley A.; George Delwin; Jessie; David (# 1993); Jessie (#620); Samuel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]