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Anna Seely


Gender: Female


Spouse: Lynn Dickinson

Date of Marriage: March 3, 1909

Marriage Place: Horseheads, NY

Marriage of Lynn Dickinson and Miss Anna Seely

West Jackson, March 8 – Mr. Lynn Dickinson and Miss Anna Seely, prominent young people of this place, were married at Horseheads, N.Y. on March 3rd. They are at present on a wedding trip to Pittsburg and other points in that vicinity. After their return they will begin housekeeping in the Seely cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson are among out most estimable young people and a host of friends wish them a prosperous voyage on the sea of life.

Published in The Wellsboro Agitator, Wednesday, March 10, 1909 front page

[Great- Granddaughter of SGS # 3775 – Anna May; Jonas Albert; Jesse Alan; Edward (# 3775); Jesse (# 1706); James; Nathaniel; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]

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