Ann Seeley
Gender: Female
Spouse: William L. Davey, Jr.
Date of Marriage: January 27, 1944
Marriage Place: Raleigh, NC
Gender: Female
Spouse: William L. Davey, Jr.
Date of Marriage: January 27, 1944
Marriage Place: Raleigh, NC
Miss Ann Seeley of Raleigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Seeley of Raleigh, formerly of Asheville, became the bride of Ensign William L. Davey, Jr., United States naval reserve, in a ceremony Thursday evening at 6 o’clock in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh.
The Rev. James McDowell Dick pastor of the bride, officiated. The church altar before which the vows were spoken held two vases of white gladioli, snapdragons and roses. Palms and cathedral tapers in seven-branched candelabra completed the decorations.
Prior to the ceremony Stuart Pratt, organist, and Miss Annie Hyman Bunn, soprano, of Henderson, presented a program of wedding music. Mr. Pratt played “Pater Angelicus” by Cesar Franck and the prelude to the third act of “Lohengrin” by Wagner. Miss Bunn sang “Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee” by Charles Gounod. The traditional wedding marches were used as the processional and recessional.
Users were Pfc. Robert W. Smithwick of Louisburg and William R. Doar of Raleigh. Pvt, Walter B. Spearman of Chapel Hill and Camp Lee, Va., served as best man.
Has Maid of Honor
Miss Mary Sue Brubaker of Lititz, Pa., was the bride’s only attendant. She wore a dress of powder blue sheer crepe with black accessories and carried a bouquet of lavender iris and pink roses showered with pink satin ribbon.
The bride wore a dress of navy blue crepe with white ruffled jabot and three-quarter length sleeve. She wore matching accessories and carried purple throated white orchids interspersed with miniature white roses.
Mrs. Seeley, mother of the bride, wore a black and beige dress with matching accessories and a corsage of orchids. Mrs. Davey, mother of the bridegroom, wore a blue dress with black accessories and a corsage of orchids.
Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for Chicago, where Ensign Davey will be on temporary duty at the Great Lakes Naval Training station.
For traveling the bride wore a three-piece hand-tailored suit of moss green. Her green Stetson hat was trimmed in cinnamon brown, and her corsage was of orchids.
U.N.C. Graduate
Mrs. Davey is a graduate of Saint Mary’s school, Raleigh, where she was a member of the Order of the Circle and winner of the Niles medal of scholarship and the Senior English Comprehensives prize. At the University of North Carolina, she was a member of Valkyries, woman’s honorary society, president of Chi Delta Phi, national journalistic fraternity, and winner of the Carolina Workshop Council award for creative writing. She was graduated with an A.B. degree in journalism in 1943, and has been employed with the Hickory Daily Record, Hickory.
Ensign Davey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Davey of Concord, formerly of Charlotte. He was graduated with an A.B. degree in journalism from the University of North Carolina in 1942. He was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity. Prior to entering the naval reserve in October 1942, he was employed by the Quartermaster school at Camp Lee, Va.
Published in the Asheville Citizen-Times (Asheville, North Carolina) Sunday, January 30, 1944
[Great-great-granddaughter of SGS # 2789 – Ann Parkinson ; Horace Isaac; Frederic Roswell; Horace Hamilton; Roswell Hamilton (#2789); Freeman Hall (# 1100); Agar/Augar, Joseph; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]