Ada Seeley
Gender: Female
Spouse: Roy Bayly
Date of Marriage: September 9, 1912
Marriage Place: Los Angeles, CA
Gender: Female
Spouse: Roy Bayly
Date of Marriage: September 9, 1912
Marriage Place: Los Angeles, CA
Amid surroundings made beautiful by the skill of decorator and florist the marriage of Miss Ada Seeley, daughter of Mrs. Leah J. Seeley to Roy Bayly, took place last night at Christ Episcopal church, the Rev. Baker P. Lee, pastor of the church, officiating. Following a reception at the Ebell clubhouse the couple departed for a brief honeymoon, and when they return will reside in their splendid new home in the western residence district.
Mr. and Mrs. Bayly belong to the most exclusive sets in Los Angeles and Pasadena social circles, many members of which were present at the wedding. Miss Seeley was attended by Miss Mabel Seeley and Miss Helen Brant, as maids of honor, and Miss Eva Bayly, Miss May Rhodes, Miss Florence Wachter and Miss Ruth Larned as bridesmaids. The groomsmen were Harold Bayly and Roland Seeley. Lucian Cocke, Lee Smith, Robert Peyton and David Brant acted as ushers and were assisted by Alfred Brant, Thomas Brant, Paul Maguire and B.F. Elliott.
The bride wore a beautiful gown of white charmeuse, with rose point bodice and duchesse lace. The veil was made after Miss Seeley’s own design and was caught with orange blossoms and lilies. The color scheme was white and green, both at the church and at the clubhouse, where the reception was held.
Published in the Los Angeles Evening Express (Los Angeles, California) Tuesday September 10, 1912
[Granddaughter of SGS # 2097 – Ada B.; Theodore F.; Eli (#2097); Abner (#652); Nathan; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]