Zelma Felvey (born Sealey)
Gender: Female
Date of Death: September 20, 1972
Death Place: Richmond, VA
Gender: Female
Date of Death: September 20, 1972
Death Place: Richmond, VA
Zelma Sealey Felvey
Mrs. Zelma Sealey Felvey, of 3111 Rendale Ave., died Wednesday, September 20, 1972. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Sally F. Angus; two sons, John V. Felvey, and Russell V. Felvey; a sister, Mrs. Barbara S. Smith: a brother, Woodrow D. Sealey: a grandson, William H. Angus, Jr., also three aunts, Mrs. W. Nelms Kyle, Mrs. Ella F. Stewart, and Miss May R. Felvey, all of Richmond. Remains rest at the Parham Chapel, Woody Funeral Home, 1771 Parham Rd. where services will be conducted Saturday, 2 P.M. Interment Hollywood. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Zelma Felvey Memorial Fund, c-o Medical Tumor Fund, Box 207, MCV Hospital, Richmond, VA.
Published in the Richmond Times Dispatch, Friday, September 22, 1972