Walter M. Seely
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: July 4, 1848
Birth Place: Fayette County, IA
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: July 4, 1848
Birth Place: Fayette County, IA
WALTER M. SEELY, favorably known as one who has identified himself with the State of Nebraska, is the subject of this sketch. He is a native of Iowa and was born in Fayette County July 4, 1848, his father, S. S. Seely, was one of the pioneers of the Hawkeye State, having located at Brush Creek, Fayette Co., in 1846. In 1850 he was the choice of the people for the County Clerk, and discharged the duties of that office for ten years, his residence being in West Union. During his sojourn there was largely interested in the saw mill business at McGregor and Johnstonport, on the Mississippi River, and figured conspicuously in commercial circles for a number of years. Walter was reared and educated in West Union, making his debut in the journalistic world as a devil in the office of the West Union Gazette, where he became proficient as a compositor, was connected with different newspapers in northeastern Iowa and southern Minnesota. In 1868 came to Nebraska, residing for a time in Palmyra, where his family and his father located that year. Mr. S. S. Seely is now a resident of Santa Barbara, Cal. In 1873 the subject of this sketch entered the employ of the State Journal, at Lincoln, Neb., as compositor and was identified with the publication of that paper for three years; a portion of that time being on the reportorial staff. In 1877 located in Bennet and taught the Bennet school for the terms of 1878-79. In August, 1879, was appointed Postmaster for Bennet, filling the duties of the office creditably to himself and satisfactorily to the public until April, 1881, when he resigned and accepted the position of Private Secretary for Senator C. H. Van Wyck. During the sessions of the Nebraska Legislature in 1877-79-81, was Assistant Secretary of State Senate, and during the Senate of 1875 was Assistant Sergeant at Arms of the House During these years was correspondent for the Chicago Inter Ocean, Mr. Seely possesses a versatile and well disciplined mind, is a close observer of local and national affairs and wields an eloquent pen; he has a genial disposition, is very companionable and entertaining. He is a member of the K. of P., and Red Men. The 30th of March, 1875, Miss Alice Eaton, a native of Ohio, became his wife. By this union they have three children, Ora, S. S., and Roscoe Grant.
Lancaster County “History of the State of Nebraska; containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state. Illustrated.” Published: Chicago, The Western Historical Company, A. T. Andreas Proprietor 1882.
[Son of Samuel Satterlee SGS #3700 – Walter; Samuel Satterlee [SGS# 3700]; Bartlett ; Samuel; Nathaniel; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]