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Timothy D. Seeley


Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 1860

Birth Place: Hudson, WI

Dr. Timothy D. Seeley, a retired veterinarian and postmaster of Tonganoxie, Kansas, was born in Hudson, Wisconsin, in 1860. He is the son of Isaac and Irine (Day) Seeley, both natives of New York. Isaac Seeley was born in Handlesville, New York, and was engaged in the mercantile business before he moved to Hudson, Wisconsin. He was eighty-five years old at the time of his death at Hudson, Wisconsin, March 11, 1887. His wife, Irine (Day) Seeley, was born in New York where she was also married to Isaac Seeley. They had seven children born to them as follows: Katherine, Mary, Emma, William, Bell Gertie and Timothy. With the exception of Dr. Seeley, the subject of this sketch, the children are deceased.

Doctor Seeley received his education in the public schools of Wisconsin and the Henkley Military Academy of Hudson, Wisconsin. He attended the Medical School at Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was publisher and distributor of veterinarian work for fifteen years. Later he was established at Lincoln, Nebraska, as veterinary surgeon. In 1895, Doctor Seeley came to Tonganoxie, Kansas, and followed his profession until 1914, when he was made the postmaster of Tonganoxie. In this capacity he has won many friends and established his reputation as one of the leading substantial citizens of his village.

Doctor Seeley and Mollie (Burke) were united in marriage at Fall City, Nebraska. She is the daughter of Christian and Marie (Book) Burke, natives of Germany. They came to the United States in 1870, settling in Illinois near Chicago. In 1880, they moved to Hallan, Lancaster County, Nebraska, locating on a farm where they followed farming during the remainder of their lives. They had five children as follows: Mollie, Mrs. T. Seeley, of this sketch; William, of Hallan, Nebraska; Charles, of Hallan, Nebraska; Bessie, now Mrs. August Albers, deceased; John of Lancaster County, Nebraska.

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Seeley are the parents of five children, as follows: Dwight, of Topeka, Kansas; Maude, wife of Marion Davis, of Kansas City, Missouri; Francis, Mrs. Fred Bramble, of Hickman Mills, Missouri, Mrs. Charles Korbus, of Chicago, Illinois, and Bert, of Kansas City, Missouri.

Dr. Seeley is an upholder of the democratic principles of government and has lent a decided influence through his campaign work for the democratic candidates. In 1912, Doctor Seeley was urged to be a candidate for county coroner on the democratic ticket. Doctor Seeley is a member of the Ancient Order of the United Workmen, of the Congregational Church. Mrs. Seeley, who was a member of the Royal Neighbor Lodge and of the Congregational Church, died March 24, 1920.

Pages 551- 552, “History of Leavenworth County Kansas,” by Jesse A. Hall and Leroy T. Hand, Published by the Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Kansas, 1921.

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