Stephen J. Seeley
Gender: Male
Gender: Male
The next settler was Stephen J. Seeley, who, with his wife and five sons, settled in this town in July, 1841. A daughter, wife of H.G. Conger, remained in Genesee. They came from Gallatin Co., Ky., in the fall of 1836, and lived in Pontiac until February, 1838, when they moved to the town of Genesee, and settled on Kearsley Creek, where two of the sons, Chauncey W. and Judson, had purchased an interest in a lumber mill. From that place they came to Forest, and engaged in the business of agriculture.
Stephen J. Seeley was a man of fair education, good natural abilities, and had acquired a considerable knowledge of the law from a somewhat extensive course of reading. He was elected justice of the peace in the spring of 1846, and served in that capacity nearly a score of years, doing most of the legal business of the town during that time. He also served as clerk of the town for several years, besides holding other town offices. His wife died on the 19th of January, 1869, and he survived her a little more than two years, -till the 18th of May, 1871, – when he, too, crossed the bounds of time and entered the eternity that lies beyond. His age was eighty-three years. Of his children three are still living in Forest. They are Chauncey W.*, Judson and Norris Seeley, and are all engaged in farming. Chauncey W., who married Mary A. Dickinson, of Richfield, in 1844, lives on the homestead, where he has recently erected a fine brick dwelling. Another son, Alanson A., was killed in a saw-mill in February, 1860. His clothing got caught and drew him into the machinery. He lived about two hours after the accident occurred.
*Since this history was prepared Chauncey W. Seeley has passed from life. His death was very sudden, being caused by disease of the heart, and occurred at his home in Forest, on the 13th of August, 1879.
Page 429, “History of Genesee County, Michigan” by Franklin Ellis Published by Everts & Abbott, Philadelphia, PA 1879.
Contributed by Paul Seeley –
[Stephen J is SGS# 1975 – Stephen J.; Stephen; Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]