Oscar A. Seely
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 29, 1841
Birth Place: Rochester, NY
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 29, 1841
Birth Place: Rochester, NY
Oscar A. Seely – Born at Rochester, N.Y., September 29, 1841, and losing his mother within the same year, Oscar A. Seely entered early in his busy life upon a career of toil and self-denial, and by his own industry, perseverance and indomitable energy, has compelled fortune to smile upon him and yield up a goodly portion of her golden store for his personal possession and use. His father, David R. Seely, was a native of Ohio, born at the opening of the nineteenth century. He is a blacksmith and has worked at this trade in New York, Illinois, Iowa and other states. And now, after a long course of diligent and productive labor, he is living a retired life a Fayette City, Iowa, where he has the cordial regard of all. His wife, Mary Ann (Van Alstyne Seely, was a native of Pennsylvania and died at Rochester, N.Y., in 1841.
Mr. Seely attended the public schools at Rochester until he was twelve years old. He then removed to Whiteside county, Ill., and worked on a farm until 1875, excepting three years which he served in the army. In the fall of 1876 he went to the Black Hills and prospected until 1880. During the winter of 1880 he worked for Broadwater, Hubbell & Co., and from that time till 1882 he was prospecting at Maiden, Mont. In 1882 he was in the employ of the Broadwater firm at Fort Assinniboine, and after a year in their service, went back to prospecting at Maiden, remaining there till 1888. In 1889 he took up a 240-acre ranch in the Bull Hook basin, twelve miles from Havre, where he has since been engaged in farming and stock-raising. In this venture, he has prospered abundantly, commanding a good market for his products, and securing the good opinion of his friends.
In politics Mr. Seely is an active and ardent Republican. He is a veteran of the Civil war, enlisting, in 1862, as a member of the Seventy-fifth Illinois Infantry, and having served for three years. He served in the Army of the Cumberland and was in all the engagements of that department. He was seriously wounded, February 22, 1863, at the battle of Buzzard’s Roost in Georgia, but rejoined his regiment as soon as he was able. He was married in Whiteside county, Ill., in 1867.
Pages 1801- 1802, “Progressive Men of The State of Montana”, Published by A.W. Bowen & Co., Chicago, 1901 or 1902.