Lucy Ann Seeley
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1831
Date of Death: May 13, 1893
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1831
Date of Death: May 13, 1893
He (George Henry McIntire) was united in marriage, September 1, 1855, to Miss Lucy Ann Seeley, who was born in 1831 and died May 13, 1893. She was the daughter of Austin H. and Phoebe (Allen) Seeley, of Girard, Pennsylvania. To George H. and Phoebe(sic) (Seeley) Mclntire were born four children, as follows:, 1. William Henry, born September 24, 1856, who has been in the employ of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Company for thirty-five years, and has served as station agent at Stoneboro since August 7, 1877. He obtained his education at the public schools, at Jamestown Academy and Thiel College of Greenville. He went to Stoneboro, where he soon became an employe of the railway just mentioned. Later he had the additional duties of the business of the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Later still he was appointed agent of the Jackson Coal Railroad. October 20. 1878, he was married to Mary Rebecca, daughter of John and Angeline Daniels, of Stoneboro, and they are the parents of the following children : George Henry, Lina Aline, William Daniels, and Florence Irene. 2. Jennie Frances, now wife of Theodore M. Houser, cashier of the First National Bank, of Stoneboro ; they have one child — Frederick. 3. Frederick Clark, died October 4, 1902. 4. Blanch May, now wife of John L. Rossiter, chief clerk and cashier of the freight department of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company at Stoneboro ; they have three children — Ruth Mclntire, John Lyman, Jr.. and Richard Daniels.
Extracted from the biography of George Henry McIntire, Page 849-850, “A Twentieth Century of Mercer County Pennsylvania Vol. II” edited by Mr. J.G. White, The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1909.