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Jesse Seeley


Gender: Male

Date of Birth: August 8, 1808

Birth Place: Schoharie County, NY

Jesse Seeley, retired farmer; P. O. Mallet Creek; was born in Schoharie Co., N.Y., Aug. 8, 1808. His father, David Seeley, was a native of Connecticut, and his mother, Ursula (Sweetman) Seeley, was a native of New Jersey. Jesse was raised on a farm, and, as his father’s health was very poor, the care of the family fell upon his shoulders, as he was the eldest. He thus learned in early years to be self-reliant, which proved to be of great benefit in later years. He was married in Schoharie Co., N.Y., to Miss Prudence Brown. Mr. Seeley is one in a family of twelve children; Mrs. Seeley is one in a family of thirteen, and together they are the parents of fifteen children. They have one son, Samuel B., now living in Michigan, who is the father of twelve children. Mr. and Mrs. Seeley’s children are: Marietta, John V. K., Hester M., Caroline F., Elizabeth P., Wesley A., Samuel B., George D., Harmon J., Emma J., Adelia, Niroom, Nathan S., David O. and Charley M. Mr. Seeley and wife came to York Township, Medina Co., Ohio, in 1835, where he has remained ever since, with the exception of seven years, when he lived in Medina. Mr. Seeley was a farmer until 1863, when he took the office of Sheriff of Medina Co., having been chosen by the people to fill that office the year before. He was an efficient officer, and, while in that office, conducted the execution of Streator, the murderer, a detailed description of which is found elsewhere in this work. He served two years as Sheriff, and the five following years remained in Medina, in the agricultural implement business. He then moved to York Center, where he at present resides. Mr. Seeley had five sons in the late war, all of whom served their country faithfully. He is a Republican in politics, and he and wife are among the best citizens of York Township. They are the grandparents of fifty-one lineal descendants, and have five living great-grandchildren.”

Pages 740 & 741, “History of Medina County, Ohio ” by Baskin & Battey 1881; within a section of biographical sketches on citizens of York Township.

[Jesse is son of David SGS # 1993 – Jesse; David (# 1993); Jesse (#620); Samuel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]

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