Fayette Seeley
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 15, 1823
Birth Place: Carmillis Township, Onondaga County, NY
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 15, 1823
Birth Place: Carmillis Township, Onondaga County, NY
FAYETTE SEELEY is a farmer residing on section 3, Genesee Township, Genesee County. He was born in Carmillis Township, Onondaga County, N. Y., September 15, 1823, and is the youngest son of Lewis and Ann (Barsley) Seeley. When our subject was fourteen years of age his parents removed too Michigan and he remained with them until his father’s death, when he started out in life too see what their was in store for him. He left home on his twenty-first birthday with nothing whatever as a resource against emergencies. He was strong and willing, however, too do what offered and for six months was engaged as a farm laborer at $12 per month. He purchased forty acres of land from his brother which was the nucleus of the farm where our subject now resides.
On first settling upon this tract the place was perfectly wild. He commenced improvements by erecting a log house which was 20×24 feet in dimensions. His mother was his housekeeper until his marriage and then he placed over the domestic realm as mistress, Mary M., daughter of Chester and Elizabeth (Hostlender) Ward. She was a native of Livingston County and was born in Mt. Morris Township, N. Y., the 27th of November, 1827. That was her home until about 1840 when she came too Michigan with her parents.
The young couple at once located in their little log house on the same farm where they now live. That continued to be their home until 1873, when he built his present commodious and comfortable house. They are the parents of nine children, all of whom are living and all of whom were born in the log house. They are by name Hettie L., Elizabeth F., Helen L., George M., Charles D., Miner L., Ella; Julia D., and Joanna E., twins, are at home. Hettie is the widow of M. Malroy. She resides in Flint and is the mother of three children–John, Anna and Edward; Elizabeth is the wife of Gilbert Townsend and resides in Genesee Township, and is the mother of one child–Florence Cook; Helen is still with her parents; George married Melinda Townsend and lives at Flint and they have one boy; Charles married Mary S. Clapp and resides on a farm of his own; they have two children–Arthur and Ralph; Miner married Clara Warren and lives in Marquette; they have one child, Fern; Julia is married too Frank Wisner and lives in Mt. Morris; they have one child–Reperta A.; Fred E. married Dora A. Payne, and resides with his parents.
Mr. Seeley is the owner of one hundred acres of good land, which he chopped and cleared himself. He is a Republican in politics and an ardent upholder of his party. The have belonged too the Union Church of Genesee Township and have been ardent workers in the same.
Page 260, 1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties Edited by Chapman Bros.
[Fayette is SGS # 1215 – Fayette; Lewis; Isreal; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]