Burton Seeley
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: October 6, 1869
Birth Place: Rose township
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: October 6, 1869
Birth Place: Rose township
Burton Seeley, a successful general farmer and stock raiser of Oakland County, who owns and operates a fine farm of 134 acres in section 13, Rose township, belongs to one of the old pioneer families of this section which had much to do with the development of the western section of the county. Mr. Seeley was born in Rose township, October 6, 1869, and is a son of Daniel and Mary A. (Terbush) Seeley.
Daniel Seeley was born in New York, December 9, 1821, and was the third son of Daniel Seeley, who was also born in New York, but died in Rose township, Oakland County, while on a visit. The father of our subject came to Oakland County, Michigan, in 1830 and located in Rose township, being one of the township’s pioneer settlers. He was a man of robust frame, great industry, upright character and a leader among the early settlers.
He cleared a large farm, engaged extensively in stock raising and also held various local offices. He was a Democrat of the old Jacksonian stamp, and also belonged to the Masonic lodge in Holly, becoming a Knight Templar. He died September 5, 1900, at Holly, at the age of 78 years. His first wife was Hannah Brown, of Niagara County, New York. She died in 1856, leaving three children: Mrs. Helen Montgomery, deceased; Mrs. Mary Taylor, of Holly, Oakland County; and Wallace, who died in 1858, at the age of 19 months. He was married in 1857 to his second wife, Mary A. Terbush, who was born at Flushing, Genesee County, Michigan, in 1838, and is a daughter of Alexander Terbush. They reared seven children, namely: Andrew, of Rose township, Oakland County; Mrs. Sarah Patterson, of Holly, Oakland County; Burton, of this sketch; and Daniel, of Springfield township, Oakland County.
Burton Seeley was reared and educated in Rose township and has engaged in agricultural pursuits all his life. He has one of the most productive farms of the townships, and raises wheat, oats, corn, rye, barley and potatoes. His herds of cattle include fine specimens of Jersey, Durham and Galloway, his sheep are of Shropshire breed and his hogs are Chester-Whites and Berkshires. Mr. Seeley has also engaged largely in raising fine draft horses, – French draft, Hambletonian and Clydesdale stock, – and also, as a director in the Oakland County Blooded Horse Association, is interested in putting on the market fine stud horses. The association mentioned is a leading feature of agricultural interest in his vicinity, the membership including 20 men of large means and progressive ideas.
On May 4, 1892, Mr. Seeley was married to Elizabeth Baker, who is a daughter of George W. and Fannie (Carpenter) Baker. Politically he supports the Democratic party. Fraternally he is a member of Austin Lodge, No. 48, F. & A. M., of Davisburg, and of the K.O.T.M.
Biographical record : this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Oakland County, Michigan.. Chicago, Ill.. Biographical Pub. Co.. 1903. pages 583-584
[Grandson of Daniel SGS #1945 through his son Daniel and his 2nd wife Mary A. Terbush – Burton; Daniel; Daniel (SGS # 1945); Daniel; Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]