Alvane Cary Seely
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 6, 1870
Birth Place: Carysville, OH
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 6, 1870
Birth Place: Carysville, OH
has been specializing in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat in Roseburg since 1905 and during the time has become recognized as one of the most able and competent physicians in his line in Douglas county. Scientific efficiency is the standard of attainment in modern medicine and it is the secret of Dr. Seely’s success as a specialist. He has gained his knowledge of the details of his profession not only by hard study but also by experience in its various phases and is today one of the most capable, expert and practical physicians in the section in which he resides.
His residence in Oregon dates from 1904, in which year he came to Myrtle Creek. He was born January 6, 1870, in Carysville, Champaign county, Ohio, and is a son of Samuel M. and Sarah D. (Kirby) Seely, both natives of that state. His ancestry on both sides dates back to colonial times in America. Representatives of his family came to White Plains, New York, from England about three hundred years ago and at the same time a younger son of this branch went to Ireland, where he gained distinction in law and finally became a judge. It is probable that Dr. Seely is a descendant of this branch of the family. On the maternal side he claims descent from the Hanoverian royal family. His grandfather, Rev. Rockwell Henry Seely, was a native of New York city and in his later years moved to Ohio. His mother’s father was also a minister, Rev. John M. Kirby, who was born in Ohio and spent his entire life in that state.
Dr. Seely was reared at home and attended the public schools of Champaign county. He later entered the medical department of the University of Cincinnati, graduating with the degree of M. D. in 1893. He located immediately for practice in Rosewood, Ohio, where lie remained until 1899, after which he was active for one year in the United States transportation service. He was surgeon in the Northern Steamship service until the year 1904, doing duty for a portion of that time under the British flag. He has crossed the ocean twenty-eight times. Mr. Seely’s residence in Oregon dates from 1904, in which year he settled in Myrtle Creek, where he remained a short time in order to secure his state diploma. In January, 1905, he came to Roseburg and established a practice specializing in the treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He is a firm believer in the modern idea of specialization and has supplemented his broad general knowledge of medicine by constant study in the particular phases of his profession in which he is most interested. He has become recognized as one of the most able men in this line in the city and has won in the course of a few years a success, which is the natural result of his efficiency. For some time he held the position of railroad surgeon, doing able and conscientious work in this capacity. He is a member of the Pacific Railway’s Medical Association and surgeon for the Southern Pacific Railroad. He is also a member of the Oregon State Medical Society, of which organization he was the first vice president. He has just completed a term of service as president of the Southern Oregon Medical Association and is active in the affairs of the American Medical Association.
On June 7, 1905, Dr. Seely was united in marriage to Miss Florence De Lacey Hall, of Myrtle Creek, a daughter of John and Susanne (Weaver) Hall, natives of Ohio, of whom further mention is made elsewhere in this work. To Dr. and Mrs. Seely has been born a son, Hall, whose birth occurred in Portland, November 17, 1907.
Dr. Seely gave his political allegiance in former days to the democratic party but has later advocated republican principles and ideas. He is absorbed in the duties of his, profession and neither seeks nor desires public office. Fraternally he is prominent in the Masonic order, holding membership in the lodge and chapter. He is well known in the affairs of Philetarian Lodge, No. 8, I. 0. 0. F., and Union Encampment, No. 9. He belongs also to White Lilly. Lodge, No. 449, of the Rebekahs, being a charter member of this organization in Ohio. He also affiliates with Roseburg Lodge, No. 326, B. P. 0. E. He has many friends in this section of the state, who have been attracted to him by his genuine personal worth and his ability and conscientiousness in the practice of his profession. He has a steady hand, a concentrated mind and a skill based upon technique and science, and upon his possession of these qualities he has founded a substantial prosperity.
Volume 4 Page 982, Joseph Gaston, “The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811 – 1912”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co.; Chicago; 1912
Transcribed and provided by Diana, Volunteer for the US Biographies Project
[Great Grandson of Jacob Pease SGS # 1962 – Alvane, Samuel M.; Rockwell H.; Jacob Pease (SGS # 1962); John, Hezekiah, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Robert]