Garner Thomas Osborn
Nov. 7, 1887 – June 5, 1976
Publication Date: Fall 1976 Seeley Genealogical Society Newsletter – Issue # 23
Garner Thomas Osborn, born November 7, 1887, Burr Oak, Iowa, died June 5, 1976, Eventide Nursing Home, Longmont, Colorado, age 88. He was married to Elsie G. Goodell, April 4, 1917, Lake Park, Iowa. Mrs. Osborn died July 15, 1975.
As an ordained minister from 1912, he served many parishes as pastor in Iowa. He served the Lyons (Colo.) Methodist Church for several years after coming there in 1954. He made his home in Longmont, Colo. In 1972.