Elizabeth Farr O’Hanlon Andersen
Aug. 26, 1922 – Nov. 29, 2002
Publication Date: December 1, 2002, Elmira Star Gazette, Elmira, New York.
Elizabeth Farr O’Hanlon Andersen, Age 80, passed away on Friday, November 29, 2002 at home. She was born on August 26, 1922, the daughter of Lt. Col. James Farr O’Hanlon and Althea Grau Mundorff and granddaughter of Dr. George O’Hanlon and Elizabeth Farr. Elizabeth was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Big Flats of which her great great grandparents were founding members. Elizabeth was active in numerous organizations including: The Daughters of the American Revolution, Honor State President, Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, New England Women, National Officer, Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century, Daughters of 1812, Daughter of American Colonists, Descendent of Loyalists and Patriots, The Huguenot Society of New Jersey, State President, Huguenot Society of America, The Howell, Seeley, Vorhees, Ferris, Armstrong, and Blue Family Associations, Magna Carta Dames, Flagon and Trencher, The Society of Physicians and Chirugeons, and many other societies involved in genealogy. She was an active volunteer in the Big Flats, Twin Tiers, Orange County, NY, Hunterdon CO, NJ and Chemung Co. Historical Societies, The Local Food Bank and Chemung County Library. She is survived by her beloved husband, Thor Bjorn Andersen, A sister Mary Jane Carson, and six children, James Geoffrey, Elizabeth Mary, Althea Emilie Jane, George Redmond, Julia Mundorff, and Astrid Johanne. Elizabeth is also survived by eleven grandchildren and one great grandchild. (Thanks to SGS Member Wendell Seeley) [Elizabeth was SGS Genealogist before Madeline Mills.]