Robin believes she might be related to a Ruth Seeley who married an Abijah Hall in 1789. Supposedly they had a Seeley born in 1790 and an Ira born in 1792. She believes they may have more children. She has an unproven birth date for Ruth Seeley of 25 Sep 1765. She has circumstantial information on Ira S. Hall indicating he is the son of Abijah and Ruth. She believes Abijah is the son of John Hall and Abigail Shepard who resided in Middletown Ct. In 1790 Abijah is living in Chatham, Ct. with a wife and one child. Abijah is also residing in Chatham in 1800, 1810. Abijah’s birth date is 31 Jan 1747/8. Robin then finds her GGGGrandfather Ira S. Hall in Seneca Co., N.Y. in 1820 and Wayne Co., NY in 1830. Ira Hall then moves to Michigan sometime in the early 1830’s. Robin has been unable to determine whom Ruth Seeley’s parents are, where she was born or if there is any record of their marriage or her birth. Can SGS help? Ruth has been through the Barbour collection.