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2001 Listings

Query Number: 0111-11

Requested Information

Robin believes she might be related to a Ruth Seeley who married an Abijah Hall in 1789. Supposedly they had a Seeley born in 1790 and an Ira born in 1792. She believes they may have more children. She has an unproven birth date for Ruth Seeley of 25 Sep 1765. She has circumstantial information on Ira S. Hall indicating he is the son of Abijah and Ruth. She believes Abijah is the son of John Hall and Abigail Shepard who resided in Middletown Ct. In 1790 Abijah is living in Chatham, Ct. with a wife and one child. Abijah is also residing in Chatham in 1800, 1810. Abijah’s birth date is 31 Jan 1747/8. Robin then finds her GGGGrandfather Ira S. Hall in Seneca Co., N.Y. in 1820 and Wayne Co., NY in 1830. Ira Hall then moves to Michigan sometime in the early 1830’s. Robin has been unable to determine whom Ruth Seeley’s parents are, where she was born or if there is any record of their marriage or her birth. Can SGS help? Ruth has been through the Barbour collection.


Robin Estes | robine11@prodigy.net

Response Information

The SGS Publication Generations One Through Five lists a Ruth Seely (b. 6 Sep 1765) who has siblings living in Norwalk, New London Co., CT. However, it contains no additional info. This was the closest match found. This query was received too late to obtain inputs from the SGS Query Team. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, to Robin Estes, copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-10

Requested Information

Wayne is researching his great great grandparents Francis Seeley and Mary Durland. He believes they may have been married in Milford, PA in about 1837 or 1838. According to census data, they later lived in Wisconsin (1860), Iowa (1870), and Minnesota (1880). Wayne is looking for confirmation on the information he has and for information on their ancestors.


Wayne Thomas | wthomas@home.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded with a Family Group Sheet on Francis Tuttle Seely, SGS # 3664, who married Mary Durland. If this is the correct Francis Seely, he is in the 8th generation of the Obadiah line (Isaac, Bazaleel, Bazaleel, Ebenezer, Jonas, Obadiah). This writer had not heard from Wayne whether this is a fit or not. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, to Wayne copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-9

Requested Information

Marian states that in the June 2001 issue of the Connecticut Nutmegger, she found a review of Descendants of Robert Seeley and Obadiah Seeley. She has been trying off and on for years to find, for a friend, the line of Henrietta Timm Seely who married 22 February 1870 Henry J. Mumford who was born 23 February 1844. This, plus the fact that they had a son, Leon Orville Mumford, born 5 January 1871, is the sum total of her information. Henry J. Mumford’s father was of Otsego County, NY. The son, Leon, resided in Summit, NJ in 1931 and 1943. Marian is seeking information on Henrietta’s line.


Marian F. Fraser

Response Information

A review of the 3 SGS Publications found no good match. However, a remote possibility could be SGS # 2992, this “Henrietta Seeley (b 29 Dec 1843; d 27 Feb 1902) m Mr. Williams” is about the right age to have born a son in 1871 but it would have been in a different marriage. This Henrietta is 8th generation, dau of Ebenezer Seeley in the Ebenezer, Enos, David, John, Nathaniel, Robert line. Clearly, more research is needed. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-8

Requested Information

Sally is a great-great granddaughter of Harriet Seeley (1802) who married Reuben Close in 1828 and Sally is requesting more information on Harriet. She understands that Harriet and Reuben were divorced and she wonders if all the children she has listed for them were from this union or more than one union. The children she has for Harriet are: Fidelia (1822-1896), George (1824-1895), Charles (1826-1883), Julia (1828- 1899), Newbury (1830-1880), Reuben (1832-1910), Harriet F. (b. 1835), Polly (1837-1871), Elizabeth (1839- 1852), and William (1844-1852).


Sally Close Meabon | csm92@wilmington.net

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded that this Harriet Seeley is listed as SGS # 956 (7th generation in the Nathaniel line), daughter of Nathaniel Seelye and Rebecca Goodspeed. This entry in the SGS Seventh Generation Book states only that there were children born to this couple. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, direct to Sally Close Meabon at the above Email address, copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-7

Requested Information

Elizabeth is seeking any additional information SGS may have on George Washington Seely, page 3900 on Dan Seelye’s Web Site.


Elizabeth Kommersmith | bessyjane@hotmail.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye provided Elizabeth with a Family Group Sheet on George Washington Seely, SGS # 3900, 8th generation in the Obadiah line, b. 20 Mar 1826 in Palmyra, NY. His father was Charles Seely (SGS # 1763) and his mother was Phoebe Johnson. He resided in California. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has additional information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, direct to Elizabeth Kommersmith at the above Email address, copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0111-7:

William R. Knoop responded that he is a descendant of George Washington Seeley’s oldest sister, Cornelia B. Seeley (SGS # 3896). Mr. Knoop provided excerpts from the Will of their father, Charles Seely (SGS#1763) and evidence that this Seely family lived in Lockport, NY in the 1850 to 1860 timeframe. He also offered to share additional information with Ms Kommersmith. Mr. Knoop’s Email was forwarded to Dan Seelye, John Seely, and Terry Tietjens for adding his data to their files.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

We were looking for further information on George Washington Seely SGS# 3900. In researching another query I found the following:

1840 census Arcadia, Wayne, NY

  • Charles Seeley
  • 1 male 10-15, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 40-50
  • 1 female under 5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50

1850 census Arcadia, Wayne, NY

  • Phebe Seeley, age 59, b. NJ
  • George Seeley, age 24, farmer, b. NY (SGS# 3900)
  • Jane Seeley, age 11, b. NY (SGS# 3903)
  • Phebe A Puffer, age 27, b. NJ (SGS# 3899)
  • Charles A Puffer, age 4, b. NY
  • Phebe A Puffer, age 2, b. NY

1860 census Washington Elkhart, IN

  • Seely, George W., age 34, b. NY, druggist
  • Seely, Charlotte A, age 35, b. NY
  • Seely, Charles A, age 3, b. IN

1870 census Bristol, Washington Twp., Elkhart, IN

  • Seely, George W., age 44, b. NY, druggist
  • Seely, Charlotte, age 47, b. NY
  • Seely, Charles A, age 13, b. IN

1880 census Bristol, Elkhart, IN

  • Sealy, George W., age 54, druggist, b. NY, f.b. NY, m.b. NJ
  • Sealy, Charlotte A., age 57, b. NY, parents b. NY
  • Sealy, Charles A., age 23, druggist, b. IN, parents b. NY
  • Adams, Susan, age 94, mother-in-law, b, NY, parents b. NY

1900 census Porter, Cass, MI

  • George W Seely, b. Mar 1826 NY, father b. NY, mother b. NJ, farmer
  • Seely, Charlotte A., b. Jan 1823 NY, parents b. NY, married 49 years, 1 child, 1 living
  • Seely, Charles A., son, b. Sept. 1856 IN, parents b. NY, farm laborer
  • Seely, Winifred B., dau.-in-law, b. Mar 1866 England, parents b. England, married 10 years, 3 children, 3 living
  • Seely, Ruth E., gr.dau., b. July 1891, MI, f.b. IN, m.b. Eng.
  • Seely, George W., gr son, b. Jan 1894 MI
  • Seely, Alice L., gr.dau., b. July 1895 MI
  • Riley, Charles E., hired labor, b. May 1871 OH

1910 Long Beach, Los Angeles, CA

  • Seely, Charles, age 54, b. IN, parents b. NY, masseur at baths
  • Seely, Winifred, age 43, b. England, parents b. Eng., 4 children, 4 living, married 20 years
  • Seely, Ruth, age 18, b. MI, father b. IN, mother b. Eng (parents same for all children)
  • Seely, George, age 16, b. MI
  • Seely, Alice, age 14, b. MI
  • Seely, Winifred, age 2, b. CA
  • Seely, George, father, widower, age 84, b. NY, f.b. NY, m.b. NJ

1920 census Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

  • Seely, Charles Adams, age 63, b. IN, parents b. NY
  • Seely, Winifred B., age 53, b. England, to US in 1876, naturalized 1890
  • Seely, Winifred Whitfield, age 12, b. CA

From the SGS website:
CA vital records:

  • Charles Adams Seely b. 1 Sept 1856 IN; d. 4 May 1940 Los Angeles County, age 83
  • Father’s surname: Seely
  • Mother’s surname: Adams

So, the wife of George Washington Seely, SGS# 3900 is Charlotte Adams.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-6

Requested Information

Tammy is seeking information on the family of Charles M. & Catherine Seeley. Tammy has Catherine’s divorce decree dated 1885 in San Francisco, seen by Judge J. F. Sullivan. Catherine’s daughter’s death notice states that they were from Milwaukee, WI. Catherine’s daughter was born in 1861.


Tammy Russell | tammytaylor@snowcrest.net

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded that he could find no connection to this family in his files and requested that Tammy provide additional names and data if available. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, direct to Tammy Russell at the above Email address, copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-5

Requested Information

Sharon is requesting information on Jonas Seeley who married Elizabeth Quick and moved to Ralls Co., MO from Ohio County (Brooks CO, WVA) in 1804. Jonas is believed to be the son of John Nichols Seely. Jonas Seely’s daughter, Sarah Seely, married Green DeWitt and they moved to Texas. Sharon is a descendent of Sarah Seely and Green DeWitt.


Sharon Moehring | Jmoehring@att.net

Response Information

Terry Tietjens, Director of the Seelye Research Center, responded that he had some information about John Nichols Seely and will send that material to Sharon.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-4

Requested Information

Kathy seeks information on the ancestors of her grandparents, Hiram Seeley and his wife Perleyette Remington. She states Hiram was born in Massachusetts around 1799 and he had a previous wife, Sarah (maiden name unknown). In 1850 Hiram and Sarah were in Saint Lawrence County, NY. Eventually Sarah died and Hiram married Perleyette Remington. They had a big family, as did Sarah and Hiram. She listed Hiram and Perleyette’s children as: Abigail, Lucy, Henry, Jesse, Dora, twins Carra and Clarra, Etta, and George. She listed Hiram and Sarah’s children as: Hiram, Clarissa, William, Ambrose, Sarah, Alfred, Eleanor and another female.


Kathy Cummings, c/o Marilyn O’Connor

Response Information

A review of the 3 SGS Publications did not find a match for this Hiram Seeley. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, direct to Kathy Cummings at the above address, copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0111-4:

The submitter was Kathy Cummings, c/o Marilyn O’Conner, 47 High Street, Carthage, NY 13619 her query regarded her grandparents Hiram and Perleyette Seeley. SGS had no records that could help Kathy with her query. However, SGS Member W. Leonard Seeley saw her query in the November 2001 SGS Newsletter and wrote to Kathy. He stated he had no information on Hiram, but he believed his great grandfather, Austin Seeley was a younger brother of Hiram’s. His Austin was born in either Massachusetts or New York and he believes his Austin might have been the son of James Davison Seeley [SGS#1646], the eldest son of Ebenezer Seeley, the Loyalist, [SGS # 476]. W. Leonard Seeley invited Kathy Cummings to write to share Seeley Family data. Thank you Leonard for responding to a cousin’s request.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-3

Requested Information

Louise requests assistance in determining the death of Benjamin Sealy, who m. Elizabeth SOLDS, widow (per a New York license dated 23 Jan 1773). Louise believes this couple was probably married in Hempstead (Nassau) NY or perhaps Weston (Fairfield) CT and that the printed version may be inaccurate and that SOLES is meant for Elizabeth.

Louise is also seeking information on the birth and death of this Elizabeth, who may have been a widow of Benjamin Soule from Dutchess Co., NY(?). Louise also wants to know if Elizabeth had any children by Benjamin Sealy.


Louise Walsh Throop

Response Information

John Seely responded that the SGS 6th Generation Book lists a Benjamin Seeley “(b abt 1756 Weston, CT) m 23 Jan 1773, NY, Elizabeth Scolds. Resided VT. Moved to Canada. Had sons.” The SGS Publications do not list a date of death for Benjamin Seeley nor does they list birth or death dates for Elizabeth Scolds. Jim Seeley replied to Louise by letter with the interim response and with information on joining SGS. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has information relevant to this query, please reply, citing the Query number, direct to Louise Walsh Throop at the above address, copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-2

Requested Information

Brian seeks information on what became of Clinton Hallett Seeley, son of Nathan Seeley and Pauline Taylor Barnum. Brian states Pauline Barnum was the daughter of P.T. Barnum, founder of Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus. Per a quote from a web site, http://www.gbnf.com/genealogy/barnum/html/d0030/13424.HTM in his will, P.T. Barnum disposed of an estate of $4,100,000, and he made careful provision for the perpetuation of his name. Since he had no sons, he provided that his grandson, C. H. Seeley, should receive the sum of $25,000 besides his share in the estate, if he would change his name to C. Barnum Seeley, “so that the name of Barnum shall always be known as his name.”


Brian Smith | gsmith@pica.army.mil

Response Information

John Seely, SGS Database Coordinator, responded to Brian that he had a Clinton Hallett Seeley in his database. He was born in Bridgeport, CT 10 Aug 1867 and died there ca 1958. He married Florence Tuttle 30 Dec 1896, possibly in New York City. John had no dates or places for Florence. Some of the above came from an obituary of Herbert Barnum Seeley in 1914 from the ST PAUL DISPATCH and a book THE FABULOUS SHOWMAN, P.T. BARNUM, p. 172. John also shows Jesse Barnum Seeley as a sibling of Clinton. A sincere WELL DONE to John Seely for tracking down the information Brian Smith requested. John said many members have heard “something” about a Seeley connection to P.T. Barnum and this could correct any misconceptions although stories are good for the soul.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0111-1

Requested Information

Mark is trying to locate descendants of Mrs. Gertrude Seelye of Mercer County, PA. Her maiden name was Ryder. Her husband’s first name is unknown.


Mark Carpenter | polaraman@aol.com

Response Information

Terry Tietjens, Director of the Seelye Research Center, and John Seely, SGS Database Coordinator both report they could find nothing that would help. If any SGS member or Seeley Researcher has relevant information, please reply, citing the Query number, direct to Mark Carpenter, copy to Jim Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-13

Requested Information

Barbara is looking for descendants of David W. Seeley, (b. Jan 1821 in Montgomery County, NY, d. 29 Jul 1903 in Albany, NY) and Maria Loucks (b. 4 Aug 1822, d. 17 Mar 1890, bur. Prospect Hiss Cemetery, Guilderland, NY). David W. was son of Nathan Seeley (1788-1862) and Elizabeth Taylor. Children of David W. Seeley and Maria Loucks were (1) John Nathan, b. 1842, served in the 175th Regiment, Albany; (2) Harvey, b. 1844 in Montgomery County, married Alice Olmstead (b. 1857) on 13 Jul 1869. Harvey and Alice lived in the city of Rensselaer and were listed as a railroad foreman.


Barbara A. Fowler | baadqt@msn.com

Response Information

This query was submitted just in time to get it into the August SGS Newsletter so no responses have yet been received from any of the Query Team members. If anyone has any information that would help Barbara, please send it to her direct, copy to the SGS Genealogist listed on page 2 of the Newsletter.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-12

Requested Information

Heather is seeking information on David Seeley. Her line to David is via her grandfather Hugh Benjamin Evans, his mother Grace Landon Seeley, her father Chester Leander Seeley, his father John Van Kirk Seeley and his father David.


Heather Davis | Heather_bygrace@hotmail.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye provided Heather a Family Group Sheet of David Seeley (SGS # 1991) (b. 15 Mar 1787, d. 30 Jun 1867) who married Ursilla (aka Ursula) Sweetman in 1807 in Ballston, Saratoga County, NY. The Group sheet lists 12 children and lists David’s parents as Jesse Seeley (SGS # 620) and Lois Bennett.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-11

Requested Information

Lorraine would like some information about her ancestor, Captain Robert Seeley. She wanders if he was a Captain in the Army? Navy? Other? Lorraine’s father was a career Navy man who, along with her uncle Francis “Bob” Seeley, went down with the USS Rowan when it was torpedoed and sunk by German boats. Lorraine’s father was Lewis Everett Seeley, his father was Everett Seeley, and Everett’s father was Luke Seeley.


Lorraine Seeley Buell | Shipmates2@home.com

Response Information

John Seely, SGS Database Coordinator, reports that he has some data on Lorraine Edna (Seeley) Buell and her husband, Kenneth that was received from her father in 1989. If this is the same Lorraine Seeley Buell, she is a 13th generation of Robert Seeley in the Nathaniel line per SGS records. However, it is possible Lorraine is a descendant of Luke Seeley (SGS # 2255), an 8th generation descendant in the Nathaniel line making Lorraine a 12th generation descendant. No connection to a Captain Robert Seeley was found other than Robert Seeley, SGS # 1 who was commissioned a Captain of Artillery on 22 May 1648 (see page 3 of the SGS Publication Descendants of Robert Seeley )1602-1667) & Obadiah Seeley (1614-1657), Generations One Through Five).

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-10

Requested Information

Barbara is requesting confirmation that Janette Seeley is the daughter of John F. Seeley and Sally Ann Thompson. This John F. Seeley is believed to be the son of William Seely of Ridgebury Township, Bradford County, PA (SGS # 1692). The info Barbara provided was:

(1) a State of New York death certificate showing Janette was the dau of John Seeley and ___Thompson, d. 7 Oct 1690 age 57 years in Catlin.

(2) an IGI Index showing a Fanny Genette Seely b. 13 Dec 1832 in a family grouping that corresponds fairly closely with Jim Seeley’s data on the family of John F. Seeley and Sally Ann Thompson. The thinking is Janette may be a preferred spelling for Genette.

(3) an 1850 census record showing Janette living with Watson Cole and wife Nancy. Barbara believes Nancy Cole is Sally Ann Thompson’s sister.

(4) Marriage notice showing Janette was the adopted dau of Watson Cole. (Does anyone have suggestions on how Barbara can access adoption records?)

(5) an 1850 census of Ridgebury Township, Bradford County, PA that does NOT list Janette in John F. Seeley’s family but does show a William Seeley (age 15, corresponding to John F. and Sally Ann Thompson’s son William) living with Watson Cole.

(6) an 1860 census showing a William Seeley (age 25) living with Watson Cole. This William Seeley corresponds to John F. and Sally’s son in age.


Barbara Savage | bsa4798501@aol.com

Response Information

Jim Seeley has been researching the ancestors and descendants of John F. Seeley’s brother, James. His research indicates that the 1840 census for Ridgebury Township, Bradford County, PA lists a John Seely with a wife and children whose ages match those of Jim’s records with two exceptions – first, there is an extra female with an age in the 1830 to 1835 grouping corresponding to the suspected birth year of Barbara Savage’s Janette Seeley and second – John’s birth year doesn’t match Jim’s records. Jim also recommended Barbara consult Joyce M. Tice’s Web Site at www.rootsweb.com/~srgp/jmtindex.htm. This web site contains considerable genealogical data for the Tri-County areas of Chemung County, NY, Tioga County, PA and Bradford County, PA. John Seely, the SGS Database Coordinator, had no further data to contribute.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-9

Requested Information

Bob would like any information on the Seelye Stone house and “Owl’s Nest” at Joshua’s Rock on the shore of Dunham’s Bay, Lake George, Queensbury, NY. Bob believes that property is registered as a National Historic site. Frances Seelye, b. 8 Jun 1836, m. Carlos Brienerd and were parents of Bob’s grandmother, Ethel Brainerd. Frances Seelye’s father was Reuben Seelye (SGS # 2502).


Bob Sasman | marbo16@core.com

Response Information

No information could be found in the 3 SGS Publications or the SGS Database regarding Joshua’s Rock. If members have any information, please reply direct to Bob Sasman, copy to the SGS Genealogist.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0108-9:

(August Newsletter) The submitter was Bob Sasman, Email marbo16@core.com. Bob sought information regarding the Seelye stone house and “Owl’s Nest” at Joshua’s Rock, on the shore of Dunham’s Bay, Lake George, Queensbury, NY. While attending the SGS Reunion at Tacoma, Leslye Teuber replied via Dan Seelye as follows: “Francis Seelye is the sister of my great, great grandfather, Darius Seelye. Elwin Seelye, a brother of Francis married Elizabeth Eggleston, daughter of Dr. Edward (Eggleston). The home was built by the Eggleston Family. They had three children Elwyn, Allegra, and Maude. “Joshua’s Rock is on Lake George, Warren County, NY. The home is on the National Historic Register. There is a library on the estate, plus other lodgings. The home is now owned by the descendants. I have a picture of the home, plus pictures of the cemetery on the property. There are headstones for Ripe and Reuben.” Thanks for your response, Leslye.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0108-9:

Re Joshua’s Rock (Frances Seelye) The submitter was Bob Sasman, Email marbo16@ core.com. The August 2001 Newsletter response contained no information. Subsequently, information was received and summarized in the November 2001 Newsletter. On 23 May 2002, an Email was received from Margaret Rasmussen, Email Mrasmussen@us.shire.com, of Falls Church, VA who states her “husband’s family is one of the descendants who own one of about 6 family compounds on the property. Odd Seeley died a few years ago and left The Owls Nest to his only surviving relative, his niece Kit. The house is now for sale. It is beautiful and haunting and I would hate to see it fall into ruin. Because the house is part of the Joshua’s Rock Corporation, it can only be sold to a descendant of the family. There is a website … with a picture of Owl’s Nest. … The land was a land grant from King George to the Eggleston family (I believe)…”

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query 0108-9 Re: Seelye family of Joshua’s Rock, Warren County, NY

Elwin Seelye, a descendant of Reuben Seelye, SGS# 2502, married Elizabeth Eggleston, daughter of Dr. Edward (Eggleston). The home was built by the Eggleston Family. They had three children Elwyn, Allegra, and Maude. G.L. (LaBossG@aol.com) is looking for family members of Allegra Eggleston Seelye (1878-1901). G.L. has drawings/sketches from Allegra to give to any family members.

Responder: SGS Query Editor: May 2011

Query Number: 0108-8

Requested Information

Pat is looking for information on William Seeley, birth date unknown, born in Peoria, IL. He m. Drazilla Wallen 19 Mar 1863 in Beverton, MI. William was a law officer. He and Drazilla had 4 children; Mary, Anna, Bruce and Joseph. Children of William’s second marriage were John, Oscar, Maggie, Lena and Ray.


Dick and Pat (Seelye) Fry | pat_and_dick@juno.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye and John Seely could find no information on William Seeley and Drazilla Wallen, nor could a match be found in the 3 SGS Publications. If members have any information, please reply direct to Dick and Pat Fry copy to the SGS Genealogist.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-7

Requested Information

Sharon is seeking any information on a possible connection between Laurinda Wells Seeley and General William T. Sherman and on her ancestors. Sharon’s father is Richard Wollam, her grandfather is Clinton Wollam, great grandmother is Anna Seeley Wollam and great great grandparents are Herrick Bromley Seeley and Laurinda Wells.


Sharon Griffiths | sgriffiths@home.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye provided Sharon Griffiths a Family Group Sheet on Herrick Bromley Seely (SGS # 3948) (b. 5 Dec 1835, d. 21 Jun 1900 in Jerome, Union County, OH. His father is listed as Thaddeus O’Conner Seely and mother Caroline Bromley. Herrick. m. Laurinda Wells (b. 17 Jul 1843, d. 6 Mar 1925) ca 1862 in Delaware County, OH. Her father was James Wells and her mother was Lavinia (Wells).

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-6

Requested Information

Loretta is looking for information on Wallace C. Seeley who married Dora Mae Tull Dormitzer/Poindexter by 1906. They were in Spokane, WA in 1906 according to a deed. Dora Mae Tull Dormitzer was born about 1878 in Iowa. She is the dau. of Francis Marion Tull of Spokane, WA. She was in San Francisco, CA in 1931 when her father died.


Loretta Wright | lorwr292@planetkc.com

Response Information

A search of the 3 SGS Publications, John Seely’s SGS Database and Dan Seelye’s home page yielded no information on Wallace C. Seeley. If members have any information, please reply direct to Loretta Wright copy to the SGS Genealogist.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-5

Requested Information

Barbara requested assistance in determining the ancestors of Harriet Seely who m. Joseph Hetzel on 25 Nov 1868 in Chester, Orange Col, NY and Mary Seeley who married Andrew Jones of New Jersey. Andrew lived from 1802 to 1967. Andrew and Mary are listed in the 1850 and 1860 census in Bridgeton, Cumberland Co., NJ.


Barbara Angstadt | bha930@bellsouth.net

Response Information

Barbara requested assistance in determining the ancestors of Harriet Seely who m. Joseph Hetzel on 25 Nov 1868 in Chester, Orange Col, NY and Mary Seeley who married Andrew Jones of New Jersey. Andrew lived from 1802 to 1967. Andrew and Mary are listed in the 1850 and 1860 census in Bridgeton, Cumberland Co., NJ.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-4

Requested Information

Judith states she is a descendant of Alden Henry Seely (SGS # 890) whose line is John, Ephraim, John, Benjamin, Nathaniel, and Robert. Judith wonders if SGS has any info on Emeline Seeley (b. 1848 Jackson Twp., Susquehanna, PA, d. 16 Dec 1908 in Binghamton, Broome, NY) and m. Williamson Lewis Benson 19 Nov 1871. Williamson L. Benson was b. 17 May 1847 in Jackson Twp., Susquehanna, PA and d. 8 Feb 1901. Judith does not find these people in the Seeley books.


Judith Wilkins | judithwilkins@home.com

Response Information

Alden Henry Seeley (7th Generation, SGS # 890) is on page 51 of the SGS publication The Seventh Generation Families in the Nathaniel Section. This entry shows 9 children of Alden Seeley born between 1811 and 1837. If Emeline Seeley is a descendant of Alden Seeley, Emeline may have been Alden’s grandchild (i.e., d/o Luther, Daniel, or Erastus Seeley).

Dan Seelye (SGS President) responded with a Family Group Sheet on Emeline Seeley, b. 1848 in Jackson Twp., Susquehanna County, PA, d. 16 Dec 1908 and m. 19 Nov 1871 William/Williamson Lewis Benson (b. 17 May 1847, d. 8 Feb 1901). Some of the info was provided by Susan Doig, Email hsdoig@nycap.rr.com in June 2000. Susan was looking for information about her gr-grandmother who married Williamson Lewis Benson. Dan suggested Judith and Susan exchange data.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-3

Requested Information

Rich got our E –mail address off a Seeley mailing list on the Internet. He was wondering about the Seeley family. His mother was a Seeley with 9 brothers and sisters. Rich has his family starting out in the Chicago area and moving to Quitman, MO around 1870. This was John B. Seeley (1843 to 1910). His son John Seeley born in MO (1870 to 1940) was Rich’s mother’s father. There is still one of her bothers alive, Clyde Seeley (96) in Detroit. Clyde has lots of info. Rich wonders if the families tie together?


Rich Green | richcontry@aol.com

Response Information

After learning of SGS, Rich has become a LIFE member. John Seely, SGS Database Coordinator, responded that he believes John Baker Seely was the son of William Seely (SGS # 3606) and Marilla Stufflebeam. If this is correct, SGS has John B. Seely’s line as William (8), Israel (7), William (6), Jonas (5), Ebenezer (4), Jonas (3) and Obadiah. Members, if this is your line and you have additional info to add, help us congratulate Rich as a new member by sharing it with him.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-2

Requested Information

Joyce did not know much about her gggrandparents, John B. Grant and Sarah Weed Seely, until she discovered Sarah’s newspaper obituary in Syracuse, NY. She shared the obit with SGS. (A copy of her Email can be provided upon request.) From this obit, Joyce learned that Sarah Seely was born in Stamford, CT on 7 Jul 1808. Her father was Jehue Seely and moved to Lafayette, this state (NY?), when she was quite young. She m. (John B.) Grant in 1826 in Onondaga County. She was the last in a family of six children. Her husband d. in 1895 at the age of 93.

Joyce Fesler believes she found Sarah Weed Seely’s father in the 1810 census for Pompey, Onondaga County, NY, in the 1820 census for Onondaga, Onondaga County, NY and in the 1830 census for Hastings, Oswego County, NY.


Joyce Grant Fesler | joycefesler@msn.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye (SGS President) responded that he believes this Jehu Seely may be SGS # 3279.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0108-2:

(August Newsletter) The submitter was Joyce Grant Fesler, Email joycefesler@msn.com and her query was Re Sarah Weed Seely, b. 7 Jul 1808 and m. John B. Grant. Dan Seelye had responded that he believed she was the daughter of Jehu Seely (SGS # 3279) whose line is Jehu7, Samuel6, Elijah5, Obadiah4, Obadiah3, Obadiah2 (superscript is generation number from the SGS 7th Generation Publication.) Mary Tim (Timmy) Baggot responded by Email to Joyce stating she believed Sarah Weed Seely was probably a sister of Timmy’s great-great grandmother Hannah Eliza Seeley. She also indicated that Sarah (Sally) was 4th in the family of six. Timmy provided considerable detail on the family and she has posted her family tree on the Internet at www.baggot.net. Thanks for your response, Timmy.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0108-1

Requested Information

Paul is seeking information on the parents of his great grandmother, Minnie May Seeley (Miller). Who (according to her marriage certificate) was the daughter of Henry S. Seeley and Mary Elbanus. Minnie was born in 1864 in Clinton Corners, NY and was residing in Poughkeepsie when she was married there at the age of 22 on September 30, 1885 by the Rev. Joachim Elmendorf. Her husband was George Joseph Miller of Cortland, NY where they resided until their deaths in 1942. Paul has not yet been able to find any further information on this Henry Seeley or his wife, Mary Elbanus and would greatly appreciate any assistance in determining his Seeley ancestry.

Paul later reported results of additional research he had conducted. The 1880 census places a Henry S. Seeley in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, NY at age 45; the 1860 census places a Henry Seeley (or Seely) in Town of Washington, Pleasant Valley P.O., Dutchess County, NY at age 25; and the 1850 census places a Henry Seeley in the Town of Stanford, Dutchess County, NY at age 17 as the son of William Seeley (age 47).


Paul Northrop Miller | millers@albany.net

Response Information

In reviewing the new data, Dan Seelye (SGS President) reported a William Henry Seeley, b. 1803, in Carmel, Putnam County, NY that would be the same age as Henry S. Seeley’s father William.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query 0108-1 Re: Henry S Seeley

Henry S Seeley resided Poughkeepsie NY in 1880 (census) and 1885 when his daughter Minnie married George J. Miller (wedding announcement). Paul Northrup Miller (millers@albany.net) , the submitter, had placed Henry in the family of William and Sally Seeley of Stanford, Dutchess, NY (1850 census).Our response in 2001 was that this William could be William Henry Seely b. 1803 Carmel, Putnam Co. NY.

Further research has shown that William Henry is a son of William Henry Seely SGS# 3174 and his wife was named Mary Ann, not Sally.

I found burial records for Stanfordville, Dutchess, NY. William Seeley died 20 Aug 1878 age 75 yr-4 mo-20 days. In the same cemetery are 4 children of William and Sally Seeley who died as young children named Harrison, Victoria, Willie J and Sylvanus B. (7 additional children were identified from census records as well as Minnie’s brothers and sisters). Also in the same cemetery are Sylvanus Seeley who died 27 March 1835 age 59-2-19 and Sarah Seeley, wife of Sylvanus Jr. who died 29 June 1847 age 41-9-14. It seems likely that William was the son of Sylvanus Seeley Jr b. Feb 1776.

Who is this Sylvanus? Is he the father of William?

Responder: SGS Query Editor: Feb. 2009

Response Information

Update to Query 0108-1 Re: Henry S Seeley

An 1885 marriage announcement for a daughter of Henry led the submitter, Paul Northrup Miller (millers@albany.net), to Henry’s father William. An update in the February 2009 newsletter identified William, died 20 Aug 1878 age 75 yr, 4 mo, 20 days, buried Stanfordville, Dutchess, NY, as a probable son of Sylvanus Seeley Jr. b. Feb 1776, also buried Stanfordville.

This led to a written response from SGS member Barbara Hoyes of Arnold, MD. Barbara has a family bible of Timothy A Seeley, youngest son of Sylvanus Seeley Jr and his 2nd wife Ann Andrews. The bible records all the children of Sylvanus Jr, including William b. 31st Mar 1803. Barbara has done extensive research to try to identify this Sylvanus Jr. According to the family bible he was born 8 Jan 1776 in Ridgefield, Fairfield, CT. According to Barbara his parents are Sylvanus Seeley and Esther Hyatt and they had at least one other child. Esther divorced Sylvanus (Sr) due to abandonment in 1787 and went on to marry Abraham Pullen.

Sylvanus, father of Sylvanus Jr seems to be Sylvanus, “natural son” of Esther, wife of Daniel Stevens. Daniel Stevens became guardian of Sylvanus Seeley in 1772. it is unknown if Sylvanus is named for an un-named Seeley father or if his mother Esther was a Seeley.

We would like to discover whether Esther is a Seeley or the name of Sylvanus Sr’s father. Let me know if you would like to speak to Barbara directly – I have her address and telephone number. If we have any Seeley male who descends from Sylvanus Jr a DNA test would be very helpful.

Responder: SGS Query Editor: Aug. 2009

Query Number: 0105-11

Requested Information

Bonita recently received information linking the Antram/Antrim family to the Zelley/Sealy family. Thomas Antram, b. 11/30/1686 Burlington N.J. married 5/2/1715 Sarah Zelley, b. Mailsworth, Glouceshire, England, d. 1782 Trenton, N.J. Sarah’s Father: Daniel Zelley or Sealy, b. 8/16/1656 Chippenham, Wiltshire, England. Does anyone have any information linking the Zelley to the Sealy spelling?


Bonita Clare Roe Antrim

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded that the Zelley Family Homepage at http://geocities.com/heartland/creek/2130/ may contain the information Bonita is looking for. A copy of the homepage was printed and will be mailed to Bonita at her address. In summary, it appears that the marriage of Daniel Sealy to Martha Eldridge was recorded, in 1684, by the Quaker Monthly Meeting Records of Nailsworth, England, as Daniel Zealy.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-10

Requested Information

Two Samuel Seeleys (SGS #s 467 and 501) each had a son named William, per SGS Publication The Sixth Generation Families of Obadiah Seeley (SGS # 4). Both Williams are believed to have lived in Bradford County, PA, one in Wells Township, the other in Ridgebury Township (separated by only a few miles). William (SGS # 1595) was b. about 1792 and William (SGS # 1692) was born 5 Apr 1783, a difference of only 9 years. A genealogical research company, Lineage, Inc., issued a Report in 1998 that concluded William A. Seeley (b. c 1779, d. 24 Oct 1858) and lived in Wells Township, Bradford County, PA was the son of Samuel Seeley (SGS 501) and Mercy Bartlett (SGS 482). However, much of the rationale used to support this conclusion is also valid when applied to the other William Seeley (1783-1867) of Ridgebury Township, Bradford County, PA. Both Wells Township and Ridgebury Township in Bradford County, PA are close to Southport, NY where Samuel Seeley (SGS 501) is buried in Fitzsimmons Cemetery. The William of Wells Township apparently moved to Cumberland County, IL. The William of Ridgebury Township is buried there in Hanlon Hills Cemetery. SGS members Tere and Jim Seeley request information that would help in determining which William is the son of Samuel Seeley (SGS 501) and which is the son of Samuel Seeley (SGS 467).


Tere J. Seeley and Jim Seeley | tjseeley@negia.net and jrseeley@aol.com

Response Information

Tere Seeley provided a copy of the Lineage, Inc. report to Madeline Mills and Jim Seeley. Jim provided a copy to Terry Tietjens. Excerpts of the Report that contained descendants of William of Wells Township were provided to Dan Seelye and John Seely for their Web Site and Data Base respectively. Please send any info you may have to Tere Seeley at tjseeley@negia.net and Jim Seeley at jrseeley@aol.com. Particularly useful would be any family records of descendants of these two Williams.

As the SGS Genealogist, I would like to compliment Tere Seeley for providing SGS with a copy of the Lineages, Inc. Report # 96429-Hoyt, James M. Hoyt (a cousin) for contracting with Lineages, Inc. for conducting the research that produced the report, and Lineages, Inc. for a detailed, thorough report, that included copies of its references.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0105-10:

Re The Two William and Two Samuel Problem The submitters were Tere Seeley, Email tjseeley@plantationcable.net, and Jim Seeley, Email jrseeley@aol.com. (Please note Tere’s new Email address.) J. Kelsey Jones, Email Montrose@npacc.net, has provided Tere, Jim, and SGS with some info on the William who lived in Wells Township of Bradford County, PA. This William is probably Tere’s ancestor and J. Kelsey Jones believes he may possibly be the son of Nathaniel Seeley and Jemima Collins. The other William lived, and is buried, in neighboring Ridgebury Township of the same County and his parentage is also unproven. What we don’t know, for sure, are the parents of the two Williams. The two Williams were born in the 1783 to 1792 timeframe and are listed in the SGS Publications as SGS # 1595 and SGS # 1692. If any researcher is interested in this line, please let Jim Seeley know and he will forward J. Kelsey Jones’ fairly lengthy Email to you.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-9

Requested Information

Wanted, the maiden names of Henry Seeley’s first wife Mary and second wife Martha and which children belong to which wife. Henry was the son of Capt. Joseph & Mary (Goodwin) Seeley Sr. He was proprietor of a hotel in Deerfield, Cumberland Co., NJ. His known children are: (1)daughter, d. before 1767, m. _____ Moore, (2) Rhoda, m. 1st. Ebeneezer Nichols, m. 2nd. Benjamin Reynolds, (3) Elizabeth, m. John Shute, (4) Sarah, m. David Conklin, (5) Henry, Jr., bapt. 20 Nov 1743, d. 1789, m. 6 Oct 1762 Hannah Dare, (6) Hannah, bapt. 12 Jan 1745, m. _____ Bateman, (7) John, b. after 1746, and (8) Abigail, b. after 1749, m. Samuel Conklin, Sr. (bapt. 21 Jun 1747, d. 1795).


Stuart H. Yost | Shyjam2M@netscape.net

Response Information

There is a little more information here than appears in the SGS Publication Descendants of Robert Seeley (SGS # 1) Generations One through Five, Revised from April, 1977 edition. No additional information has been received as of 18 Apr 2001.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-8

Requested Information

Mary is seeking more information on her great-grandfather Herbert William Seely. He is a son of Israel and was b. 23 Aug 1867. Herbert lived in Wakita, Oklahoma and probably died somewhere in that area. Mary thinks he left his family and had another wife and family. Specifically, where and when did Herbert die?


Terry Tietjens on behalf of Mary Goodman | terryt@access-one.com

Response Information

A search of the 3 SGS Publications found no match for Herbert William Seeley. If anyone has any of the information requested, please send it to Terry Tietjens, copy to the Chief Genealogist.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0105-8:

(May Newsletter) : Submitted by Terry Tietjens, Email terryt@accessone.com on behalf of Mary Goodman Re Herbert William Seely. John Seely, the SGS Database Coordinator responded as follows:

“I have several pictures of Herbert W. Seely. One with his first wife, Mary Ceila Yordt; one with his ‘first family’: Cora Jane, Winnie May, and the twins, Forrest and Florence and one much earlier by himself.

“Jeanette Seely Dunlop was a daughter of Silas Seely, son of Israel and Jane Jones. She gave me these pictures before she died in 1995. She wrote on the back of the family picture that Herbert W. had come to her father’s home in late 1918 to pick up a watch which Isreal had bequeathed to him. They were living in El Reno, OK at that time.

“In looking at the Stark Co., IL birth & death microfilm, I found a ‘delayed birth certificate’ for a Herbert WILBUR Seely, son of Israel and Jane (Jones) Seely. The date of birth, 23 Aug 1867, coincides with the Bible record date which I have for him.

“The informant was a cousin, Effie Simblad who I have not identified. This document was recorded in 1941. I can’t imagine that Herbert needed a certificate for Social Security, but what other purpose would it serve? Herbert would have been 71 by then. Herbert is not listed on the Social Security Death CD.”

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-7

Requested Information

Information on the parents and siblings (if any) is requested on Sarah Seeley, b. about 1750 at Huntington, Long Island, NY, m. Thomas Ireland about 1769, homestead farmed in Rennsalaer Co., NY, had 13 children and died 18 Dec 1830.


Joan Best | joanbest1@earthlink.net

Response Information

A search of the 3 SGS Publications found no match for this Sarah Seeley. If anyone has any of the information requested, please send it to Joan, copy to the Chief Genealogist.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-6

Requested Information

Request any record or information on an Elizabeth Seeley, the daughter of Robert Seeley, who married a William Stebbins 12 Dec 1840 and who died at Plainfield, NY 6 Jan 1873. I know nothing of William, except possibly that his father was also a “William” and no known middle name – if any – for either of them. And, the dates I’ve given are the only ones of record that I have.


Elizabeth T. Seeley (Mrs. James H. Seeley)

Response Information

John Seely, the SGS Database Coordinator, replied that this couple [Elizabeth Seeley and William Stebbins)] was listed in the STEBBINS GENEALOGY available to Mark Seeley in 1979. William Stebbins parents were William Stebbins and Bridget Eliza Jordan. This genealogy was probably at the SUTRO Library in San Francisco. John’s data is limited to William’s birth date of 10 Jan 1817. SUTRO Library has inter-library loan on it’s content if Elizabeth (the submitter) wishes to have access to the book.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-5

Requested Information

Where did Abner H. Cilley, b. abt. 1794, d. 4 Feb 1872 in Canaan, NH, come from? He just seems to appear in Canaan around 1813, but his parents cannot be found. He m. Sarah Bradbury on 14 Dec 1815. Her family came to CT and it is possible that Abner may have come from there also. Could he be the son of Abner Seelye (son of Abner Seelye and Hannah Thayer) b. 31 May 1768 in New Milford, CT?


Steve Cilley | AbnerSeelye@aol.com

Response Information

Neither the Seeley Database or the 3 SGS Publications contain information on Abner H. Cilley. The Abner Seelye b. 31 May 1768 in New Milford, CT is listed as SGS # 816 in the SGS Publication The Seventh Generation Families of Nathaniel Seeley (SGS # 3). SGS # 816 spouse is listed as Eunice Smith and his place of death is listed as Fallsburgh, NY. Recommend the submitter contact Mark Cilley, the SGS Judge Advocate, at Mark@cilley.net. Mark has a web page that is worth checking but its URL is not available at this writing.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-4

Requested Information

Bill reports that in doing family research he has come up with a Hannah Seeley from Stamford, CT born about 1800, give or take a couple of years. She married Zabadee Badeau (no date) and then they had a daughter born in Carmel, NY on 28 Jun 1822. Mary A. Badeau is Bill’s great great grandmother. Any information on Hannah Seeley would be helpful.


Bill Wood | doow12414@webtv.net

Response Information

John Seely, SGS Database coordinator, responded that the name he has for Hannah’s spouse is Zebedee Budeau. Hannah was mentioned in her father’s will filed 14 Mar 1828. Her parent’s names are William Henry and Mary “Polly” (Stevens) Seeley. William H. Seeley (SGS # 3174) is buried in Gilead Cemetery, Carmel, Putnam Co., NY. Hannah is in the 9th generation of the Obadiah line, according to Esther Houtz Walter’s notebooks. Hannah had 8 siblings. We do not have any data on her descendants, so we would appreciate receiving a Family Group Sheet and Ancestor Chart showing your connection to Hannah and Zebedee Budeau/Badeau.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-3

Requested Information

Sheila is a member of SGS and very interested in documenting her family’s Seeley line back to Castle Seeley, SGS # 2280. (An asterisk * indicates my line.) She believes that Castle Seeley and Grace Nichols had 3 children:

(1) Sarah, m. Nathan Clark, (2) Henry and (3) *Theodore Thomas. Other family members indicate that Castle Seeley, SGS # 2280, was married a second time in Oswego, NY to Ossina? and that Castle had 3 more children from this marriage (4) George, (5) Edward and (6) Elvinah.

Sheila is a descendant of Theodore Thomas Seeley, b. 1823 in Athens, NY, d. 1870, and the 3rd child of Castle Seeley. Theodore married twice, 1st to Elisabeth Darby 1815-1847 (Cairo, NY). Sheila does not believe there were any children from this 1st marriage.

After Elisabeth Darby Seeley passed, Theodore married her younger sister as his 2nd wife, Anna Maria Darby 1836-1917. They had 4 children: (1) Edgar Belmer Seeley 1859-1924, (2) *George Castle Seeley 1861-1933, (3) Thomas B. Seeley, and (4) Emma Seeley 1863-1926.

George Castle Seeley
b. 28 April 1861 Athens, NY,
d. 29 Jan 1933 Hensonville, NY
m. 1st Elma G. Pelham,
b. 14 Jan 1866,
d. 18 Jun 1891 Windham, NY.
dau of Joseph Pelham, farmer, and Julia M. Jacobs.

George and Elma had 2 children:
(1) Clark Joseph Seeley b. 27 Apr 1886 Hensonville, NY, m. Martha Barnes and
(2) *Elma Beulah Seeley b. 16 Apr 1891 Hensonville, NY. Elma Beulah is Sheila’s Grandmother.

George Castle Seeley m. 2nd Elma Stimson. Their children: Alfred Seeley and Graham Seeley.
George m 3rd Alma Simpson, no issue.
Sheila’s grandmother, Elma Beulah Seeley m. Leslie B. Cooke.

Their children were
(1) Emma Louise Cooke McGuinness b. 9 Dec 1914,
(2) and (3) twin girls who died at birth and
(4) *Seeley Burton Cooke
b. 6 Sep 1917 Ashland, Greene Co., NY,
d. 6 Apr 1962, Colliersville, Otsego Co., NY,
bur. Oneonta, NY. Seeley Burton Cooke is Sheila’s father.

(1) Does the SGS have any information on the children of Castle Seeley, SGS # 2280?
(2) What do I (Sheila) need to send to the SGS to verify my family line?
(3) Are any descendants of my great uncle Alfred Seeley members of SGS?
(Alfred moved to Burbank, CA.) He referred to a book on the Seeley line. I can only assume he was referring to SGS’s work.


Sheila Cooke-Goodwin | SeeleyC2@aol.com

Response Information

Regarding Questions 1 and 3, John Seely, SGS Database Coordinator, responded that he had records sent to SGS by Alfred Thomas Seeley of Burbank years ago that had Sheila’s father, Seeley Burton Cooke’s birth date. John also said SGS LIFE member, Edgar George Seeley III descended from Clark Joseph and Martha (Barnes) Seeley and provided Edgar’s address. Finally, John provided Sheila with the address of SGS member Mrs. Joan M. Becker, a descendant of Edgar Belmar Seeley, son of Theodore Thomas Seeley and Anna Maria Darby. Regarding Question 2, SGS does not verify the Seeley line of its members. The objects and purposes of SGS are “To preserve and make available for Genealogical research the family records of the Seeley Ancestors, to encourage and assist the study of family history; to promote the exchange of knowledge and to encourage the deposit of family records, to cooperate with other Societies and assist in the publication of Genealogical holdings, to publish all of the generations of the Seeley family beginning with Capt. Robert Seeley who immigrated to America in 1630, to assist in the education of Genealogical methods, standards and record keeping.” (OBJECTS AND PURPOSES from the SGS Newsletter)

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0105-3:

(May Newsletter) The submitter was Sheila Cooke-Goodwin, Email SeeleyC2@aol.com, and her query was Re Castle Seeley, SGS # 2280. SGS member Ann Hall found a research note that may help and it is quoted as follows: “In History of Genealogy of Samuel Clark, Sr., and His Descendants –1636-1892 by Rev. Edgar W. Clark, A.M., Pana, IL, Second Edition, page 41: Nathan Clark, Jr., son of Nathan and Julie Clark, born in Athens, NY, 18 Dec 1819, died 15 Jun 1891, of Bright’s Disease of the Kidneys. On 6 Dec 1842 he married Sarah Cornelia Seeley, daughter of Castle Seeley of Athens. She was born in Athens, 10 Mar 1819, and died of Consumption 18 April 1857, aged 38 years. He carried on successfully the Athens Pottery, as did his father. Their children were four, viz: Julia Estelle, who died of Consumption, 24 March 1869, aged 25 and unmarried. Her education and character made her the light of her home. Edgar Nathan, died in Athens 21 Mar 1848, aged 5 or 6 months. Ogden Clark, born in Athens, NY, 15 May 1850, died 8 Aug 1888. He married Isabella Edwards. Nathan E. Clark, born 19 Oct 1852, married Elizabeth DeLamater. Together they conduct the Athens Pottery.”

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-2

Requested Information

Suzanne is seeking info on a Diana Seeley of Monmouth County, NJ circa 1850. Will and testament of Jeremiah Youmans, late of the aforesaid County of Bergen, NJ, deceased (dated 1850) mentions executor:

Diana SEELEY – widow of Monmouth County, NJ. Suzanne has a deed dated 5-10-1824 for John Seeley to Dianna Youmans (Monmouth County, Middletown Twp., NJ) witnessed by John Patterson and an Elizabeth Seeley. (Sealy) The deed stated that John Seeley reserves his right of life to the land and that Diana would not have possession until after his death? I do not know if this Diana Youmans is the same Diana Seeley.


Suzanne Stamper-Youmans | rojo45390@yahoo.com or ROJO@wesnet.com

Response Information

Update to Query 0105-2 Re: Diana Seeley

Suzanne Stamper-Youmans (rojo45390@yahoo.com) was seeking information on a widow, Diana Seeley, of Monmouth County, NJ. She is mentioned as an heir/next-of-kin immediately after Jonathan Youmans in the will and testament of Jeremiah Youmans, late of the aforesaid County of Bergen, NJ, deceased (dated 1850). Suzanne had a deed dated 5-10-1824 for John Seeley to Dianna Youmans (Monmouth County, Middletown Twp., NJ) witnessed by John Patterson and an Elizabeth Seeley. (Sealy) The deed stated that John Seeley reserves his right of life to the land and that Diana would not have possession until after his death. She did not know if this Diana Youmans is the same Diana Seeley.

In the SGS database we have John Seely b. 1751, d. 1825 Monmouth Co. NJ and md 1797 Hannah Diana Yeomans. She is listed as a daughter of Jonathan and Abigail Youmans by Ken McCrea (Ken@GermanNames.com). I don’t know her relationship to Jeremiah Youmans. Contact me if you have any more information on Diana/Hannah Diana Seeley.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query 0105-2 Re: Diana Seeley

This query was about the identity of Hannah Diana Youmans Seely (b. 1777 NJ), wife of John Seely b. 1751, d. 1825 Monmouth Co. NJ. mentioned as an heir in the will of Jeremiah Youmans of Bergen Co. NJ. Jessica Seely Howard (charles@cut.net) sent us a link to burials in the Old Truax Burying Grounds in Keansburg, Middletown, Monmouth, NJ: http://distantcousin.com/cemetery/nj/monmouth/misc/truax.html Burials include Hannah Diana, husband John Seeley and some of their children.

I found information on the Yeomans/Youmans family online, including references to the Jeremiah of the will but nothing to verify Hannah Diana as a relative of Jeremiah other than Diana Seeley’s mention in the will. Jeremiah has a brother Jonathan but he is not married to Abigail and his daughter Hannah is shown married to Bennett Morris. Jeremiah’s father is also named Jonathan, so Hannah Diana could be his sister but she was not shown nor was the mother’s name listed. If you can place Hannah in the Youmans family please contact me.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0105-1

Requested Information

Betty is looking for information on a Matilda Seely (b about 1792, place unknown; d 17 Aug 1824, Yates Center, Orleans Co., NY; married Philemon Lee Austin). Her third son was Justus Austin (b about 1814, Onondaga Co., NY). Her first two sons were Stephen S. and Philemon, both born in Canada. She also had four daughters; Melinda, Matilda, Maria and Marinda. Matilda and Philemon lived in Casenovia, Madison Co., NY between 1815 and 1818.

Betty will appreciate any information that SGS has on Matilda. Betty does not have an email address.


Betty Shalhamer

Response Information

A search of the 3 SGS Publications did not find a match for a Matilda Seeley (b. 1792). The only relatively close scenario is SGS # 3154. This Matilda was a dau of Simeon Seely (SGS # 1349) and Simeon’s birth is given as 15 Oct 1769 (his age would have been 23 at Matilda’s birth). The other problem with this scenario is that SGS # 3154 has “(dy)” after her name, which possibly means “died young”. Certainly more research is needed and hopefully one of our Newsletter readers will have more information.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-9

Requested Information

Debbie is working on her Family Tree and is looking for information on Randy Seelye (Jay Randall Seelye) or his family. Randy was b. 1 Nov 1939 in Michigan. His mother Martha Sarah (Sutherland) was a nurse and his father was a doctor, died around 1955?


Debbie Hedberg | debbiehedberg@hotmail.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded to Debbie with a Family Group Sheet and asked if this is who Debbie may be looking for? The info Dan provided is summarized as follows:

  • Husband: Harold Ruddy Seeley, b. 27 Mar 1907 in Des Moines, Iowa; d. 18 Apr 1957 in Stanton, Montcalm County, MI.
  • Wife: Martha Sarah SUTHERLAND, b. 1915 in Carrington, North Dakota, m. abt 1932 at age 17.
  • Male Child: J. Ruddy Seeley, b. 25 Jun 1933 in Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan

[From SGS Computerized Index of Ancestors.]

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-8

Requested Information

James L. Seely had at least two sons:

  1. James L. Seely, b. 19 Jan 1801 in Cochecton, Sullivan Co., NY. His mother was Mary BAILEY who died when he was age 8. He was then raised by her sister, Temperance BAILEY. He moved to Yates Co. by 1828 and married there in 1836 to Maria(h) LITTLE, dau. of Francis LITTLE and Catherine WINFIELD, both originally from Ulster Co. They had four children: Marcus T. (b. 1838), Valencourt (b. 1 Feb 1840), James L. (b. 1844) and Mary M. (b. 1854). James was a farmer, teacher and finally a lawyer and resided in Dundee, Starkey, Yates Co.
  2. Valencourt Seely, b. 1808, res. August 1824 in Bethany, Wayne Co., PA when Nathan SKINNER was appointed his guardian, as his father had been gone a long time. He resided PA until 1849 when he moved to Tusten/Lumberland, Sullivan Co., NY where he died 23 Apr 1875. He was married to Abigail and had Hamilton H., Mary, James L., Emily (Emma) A., Landford, Henry (all b. in PA), and Calvin (b. in NY).M

He worked as a shoemaker and postmaster.

In the 7th Generation Book, SGS # 1611 is Susanna Seely who married a Mr. Dunn and res. Starkey, Yates Co., NY. Is this a coincidence or could this be why James relocated to Yates Co.? Where does James fit into the family?

[NOTE: Linda submitted this query via email and gives her email address as Linda.crocker@btintermet.com but replies to her at that address are returned. We’re still sorting this out.]


Linda Crocker | Linda.crocker@btinternet.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded that he found the following data on a James L. Seeley in the files of John Seely:

  • James L. Seely, b. 1801 in Cochecton, Sullivan County, NY, d. 1875 in Comsted, Steuban County, NY. Ref: four children, spouse unknown.
  • Father – James Seeley, b. 1775 in Sullivan County, NY, m. 1801 in Cochecton, Sullivan County, NY Mary Bailey, d. 1809, Cochecton, Sullivan County, NY. No parents listed.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-7

Requested Information

Paul sent a query to Terry Tietjens at the Seeley Research Center looking for information on any of the following:

  • JOHN G. SEELY, mar. MARGARET WILLIAMS and lived in Parke Co., IN.
  • Their children were born probably between 1880 and 1900. John died in a Confederate prison camp during the war.
  • NELLIE SEELY b. 1 Nov 1885, m. PAUL CHEZEM then m. JOEL C. MANWARING 20 Dec 1906.
  • ELLA SEELY m. ?? RAY, had a son DOLPH RAY.


Paul Stormer | PSCS55@cs.com

Response Information

John Seely responded that he had data on most of the people Paul was asking about. John indicated he had John G. Seely’s parents listed as Isaac and Mary Ann (Owen) Seeley. Two early submitters, Patricia J. Bugher and George Zimmerman sent John data on these families. Dan Seelye sent a zip file to Paul adding his data to that John Seely had provided and indicated he had no information on the lineage of John G. Seely’s parents.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-6

Requested Information

Glena’s great-great grandmother was Mary Ann Seeley, b. 1826 in NY, and then she migrated to Boone Co., IN. She m. Andrew King in Boone Co., on 25 Mar 1844. Andrew and Mary Ann appeared in a Boone Co. census with their three children and just below them in the census was a Silas C. Seeley born 1784 in NY with a wife named Sally (b. NY in 1810). They had a daughter, Glena assumes, named Hester J. Irving. Glena believes Silas C. was Mary Ann’s father. Is Silas C. the same as Silas H. Seeley (who was b. about 1784 and d. in IN and had wives named Caroline and Mary Bowles) per Dan Seelye’s Web Site? Andrew King and Mary Ann Seeley ended up in Franklin Co., IL and are both bur. near Glena’s home. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Glena Piper | bobnglen@midwest.net

Response Information

Dan Seelye’s initial response provided Glena a Family Group Sheet on Silas H. Seely. He later emailed Glena that it is possible Silas S. and Silas H. Seely of Boone Co., IN were the same person. Silas H. Seely is SGS # 1790 (page 88 of the Obadiah Section of the SGS Seventh Generation Book) and is recorded as having 2 wives, Caroline ___ (d. between 1819 and 1824) and Mary Bowles. Marriage and death records of Boone Co., IN should be consulted to see if Silas married a third time.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-5

Requested Information

The Krogh’s are seeking proof of Obadiah’s birth in 1614.


Carl and Mary Krogh | cckrogh@crocker.com

Response Information

John Seely responded as follows – The Obadiah birth date comes from the St. Martins Church records of Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. We do not find any proof that THIS Obadiah is the same as the one found in Stamford, CT records about 1642.

The apprenticeship release from the TURNERS COMPANY of LONDON occurred in 1636. John’s “talk” at the 1995 SGS Reunion was published in a subsequent Newsletter.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-4

Requested Information

Charles is seeking information on Walter Austin Seeley (thinks he died in 1935 at the age of 90-95). Walter was the father of Charles Burl Seeley (b. 26 Apr 1871, d. Jan 1957 in Greencastle, IN. Walter was the grandfather of Hiram Harry Seeley (b. 28 Jun 1915 in New Goshen, IN, still living). Walter was the great-grandfather of Charles Thomas Seeley (b. 8 Apr 1934, query submitter). Reportedly, Walter had another son besides Charles Burl, named Orris Seeley (b. 1873). Any information we could obtain would be greatly appreciated. Charles T. is a member of SGS.


Charles T. Seeley | tseeley@qwest.net

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded that he had no information on Walter Austin Seeley and requested the query submitter provide any information he had on the wives of the Seeley’s he mentioned in his query. No information on Walter Austin Seeley could be found in the 3 SGS Publications.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query # 0102-4:

(February Newsletter) The submitter was Charles T. Seeley, Email tseeley@qwest.net and his query was Re Walter Austin Seeley. Charles T. “Tom” Seeley received a reply from W. Leonard Seeley who read the query in the Newsletter. Tom received a Family Group Record for Austin and Lucy Ann (VAUGHN) Seeley, the parents of Walter Austin Seeley. According to Leonard, Walter Austin Seeley’s line is unknown to SGS or to the Seeley’s of New Brunswick. Leonard plans to transfer additional info on this line to Tom. A copy of Leonard’s correspondence of 9 April 2001 was also provided to John Seely, the SGS Database Coordinator.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-3

Requested Information

Do you have any information on Alta Jane Seeley, b. 04/27/1889 in Crawford County, PA, d. 01-19-1935 in Venango County, PA, m. John Irvin Emerson and had 7 children?


Linda Emerson | lindae@mlode.com

Response Information

Dan Seelye that the SGS files contained the following listing:

  • Alta Seeley
  • Spouse: Emerson, J
  • Father: Robert Seeley
  • Mother: Addie Faunee
  • When Dan looked at data on her father, he found the following:
  • William Robert Seeley (b. ca 1862, d. ca 1929), spouse Addie Faunee (b. ca 1867, d. ca 1931). His father: William Arthur Seeley, his mother: Charlotte Sterling. Reference: History of Crawford Co, PA p. 1106 sp aka Adda Faunce.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-2

Requested Information

(Note: The SGS Genealogist has no record of Mr. Strathman’s query except by copy of a reply sent by Dan Seelye. Apparently, Mr. Strathman is seeking information on Austin Seeley (1744-1834) who married Delight Orton.)


William Strathman

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded that John Seely and Kathie Olsen had responded to Mr. Strathman’s query.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Query Number: 0102-1

Requested Information

Debbie is searching for a link to her ancestors. The death certificate for her greatgreat grandmother Nancy Jane (Seeley) Mangus (b. 1840 in Blair County, PA, d. 1907 in Cambria County, PA) lists her father as Samuel Seeley and his place of birth as Crawford County, PA (Northeast corner of PA). Nancy Jane Seeley’s mother is listed as Catharine Benner (no birth place listed). From Nancy Jane’s obituary in the newspaper, her parents came to Johnstown, Cambria County, PA between 1857 and 1867. (In a follow-up email, Debbie reported:) I have located a Samuel Sealy and his wife in the 1870 census for Millville Borough, Cambria County, PA, and despite the difference in spelling, I assume they are my ancestors. The census information is:
Sealy, Samuel, 62, M, W, Laborer
Sealy, Kathrine, 54, F. W, Keeping House
James, 17, M, W, Laborer
Samuel, 12, M, W
______, S. J., 9, M, W.

I hope this information will help someone discover some links for me. Any links would be appreciated.


Debbie Kempf | debbie.kempf@verizon.net

Response Information

Dan Seelye responded that he had no information on Samuel Seeley (Sealy), Nancy Jane Seeley or Catharine Benner. Additionally, Terry Tietjens responded that he could find no information on Samuel Seeley or Kathrine either. No Nancy Jane Seeley with a father Samuel was found in the three SGS Publications.

Responder: SGS Query Editor

Response Information

Update to Query 0102-1 Re: Samuel Seeley b. 1810 PA

Debbie Kempf (debbie.kempf@verizon.net) had contacted us about the lineage of her g-g-grandmother Nancy Jane Seeley Mangus, born 1840 Blair County, PA whose death certificate named her parents as Samuel Seeley b. Crawford Co. PA and Catherine Benner. We had reported that we didn’t have information on this couple. In researching the ancestors of Richard J Seeley who died in 2008 in Johnstown, PA I found Samuel and Catherine in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 censuses. They were in Wheatfield, Indiana, PA in 1850, in Jenner, Somerset, PA in 1860 and in Millville, Cambria, PA in 1870. Their children include Nancy age 9 in 1850 and age 18 in 1860. We do not know the lineage of this Samuel Seeley. Please contact me if you recognize this couple.

Responder: SGS Query Editor: Feb. 2009

Response Information

Update to Query 0102-1 Re: Samuel Seeley b. 1810 PA and his wife Catherine Benner

Another descendant of this family has contacted us.

Michelle Sterye DiFiori (difioris@sbcglobal.net) writes: “My gt-gt grandparents are John Seeley and Jane Benson Seeley. My gt grandmother is Mary Seeley and she married William Sterye. The family is from Johnstown, Cambria Co. Pa. Do you think I am part of this Seeley family? Who can I talk to about this family?”

I found the following information to document Michelle’s line:

1900 census Youngstown, Mahoning, OH

  • Stery, William b. Aug 1859 PA, parents b. PA, teamster, md 19 yr to
  • Stery, Mary M b. Oct 1861 PA, parents b. PA, 7 children, 5 living
  • Stery, Charles E b. Apr 1884 PA, parents b. PA, teamster
  • Stery, Velbin (son) b. Oct 1886, Nellie M b. June 1887, Florence F b. July 1893, Myron C b. Mar 1899, all b. OH, parents b. PA

1880 census of Allegheny, Allegheny, PA

  • Mollie Seeley age 20 and William Starry age 22 are both working as servants for James and Rebecca McCutcheon. I imagine that Mollie is probably Mary M Seeley, soon to be married to William.
  • Note that Allegheny Co. PA is between Cambria Co. PA and the OH border.

1880 census Millville, Cambria, PA

  • Ceely, John, age 45, laborer, b. PA, PA, PA
  • Ceely, Jane , age 40 b. PA, PA, PA
  • Ceely, John age 12, Annie age 2, both b. PA, PA, PA

1870 census Millville, Cambria, PA

  • Sealy, John, age 33, laborer, b. PA
  • Sealy, Jane, age 28 b. PA
  • Sealy, Mary age 12, John age 3, Samuel(?) age 10, all b. PA

1860 census Wheatfield, Indiana, Pennsylvania

  • Seely, John, age 24, coal miner b. PA
  • Seely, Jane, age 22 b. PA
  • Seely, Mary, age 2 b. PA
  • Benson, Enoch, age 21 b. PA

1850 census: Wheatfield, Indiana, Pennsylvania

  • Samuel Seely age 40 Laborer born PA
  • Catharine Seely age 36 born PA
  • John Seely age 15 born PA
  • Maria Seely age 12 born PA
  • Nancy Seely age 9 born PA
  • Susan Seely age 6 born PA
  • Pamelia Seely age 4 born PA
  • Michael Seely age 0 born PA
  • Frederick Sellers age 22 Laborer born PA

1850 census Conemaugh, Somerset, PA

  • Benson, Samuel S age 40, stone mason, b. MA
  • Benson, Anne, age 40 b. PA
  • Benson, Levi age 16, Angeline age 14, Jane age 12, Enoch age 10, Cynthia E age 8, Theodore age 5, Wm K or H age 3, all b. PA

Michelle would love to contact other descendants of this Samuel Seely and to find proof (a marriage certificate?) that the Mary/Mollie who married William Sterye is really from this family.

Responder: SGS Query Editor: May 2011

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