Raymond Seeley
Gender: Male
Spouse: Mary Alice Oliver
Date of Marriage: November 9, 1952
Marriage Place: Columbus, IN
Gender: Male
Spouse: Mary Alice Oliver
Date of Marriage: November 9, 1952
Marriage Place: Columbus, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oliver of 82 Reo street announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Alice Oliver, to Raymond Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seeley of 3009 East Sixteenth street.
The single ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. James Myers of Columbus at the parsonage at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon.
The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Norma Oliver, as maid of honor, and the bridegroom chose Richard Rager as best man.
The bride wore a white nylon net gown of ballerina length. She wore a pink choker with earrings to match, and a corsage of pink carnations.
The maid of honor wore a red 2-piece knit wool dress. Her accessories were navy blue and white, and her corsage was of white roses.
The bridegroom and best man wore boutonnieres of white carnations.
Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. The dining table was laid with a lace cloth with a 2-tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. Pink tapers burned in candelabra.
Attending were Mrs. Lura Beach, Roger Beach, Leon Beach, Glenda Beach and Randal Beach of Hayden; Mrs. Grace Martin, Diana Martin and Sonja Martin of Seymour; Mr. and Mrs. Loran Taylor, Patty Taylor and Ronnie Taylor of Bloomington; Richard Rager, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. Loester Powell, Mike Powell, Bonita Powell, Jimmie Powell, Miss Norma Oliver and Miss Betty Oliver of this city.
Published in The Republic, Monday, November 10, 1952