Nannie LaFaye Seelye
Gender: Female
Spouse: Russell Squires
Date of Marriage: July 19, 1942
Marriage Place: Dallas, TX
Gender: Female
Spouse: Russell Squires
Date of Marriage: July 19, 1942
Marriage Place: Dallas, TX
Hearne Girl Marries Man of Coast Guard
The marriage of Miss Nannie LaFaye Seelye of Hearne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Seelye, to Russell Squires, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Squires of Benchley, took place in Dallas Wednesday evening, July 19th. The ceremony was performed at a Baptist parsonage with Rev. N.S. Ballard officiating.
The bride wore a dress of navy sheer with which she used all white accessories. She was unattended.
After a few days stay in Dallas, Mr. Squires returned to Providence, Rhode Island, where he is second class seaman in the Coast Guard. Mrs. Squires will be in Hearne a short time before going to Rhode Island to join her husband.
The bride was graduated from Hearne High School with the class of 1942.
Published in The Hearne Democrat (Hearne, Texas), Friday August 7, 1942