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Leo Francis Seeley


Gender: Male


Spouse: Laura Marie Desgroseillers

Date of Marriage: March 16, 1923

Marriage Place: Fitchburg, MA


Miss Laura Marie Desgroseillers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Uldric Desgroseillers, Stickney road, and Leo Francis Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Seeley, 109 Boutelle street, were married this morning at 9 o’clock in Sacred Heart church by Rev. Fr. Sullivan, Rev. Fr. Tessier of Franklin celebrated the nuptial mass. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Yvonne Desgroseillers, and Walter Seeley, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Joseph Desgroseillers and Alexander Desgroseillers, brothers of the bride, acted as ushers.

The bride was charmingly gowned in white silk canton crepe beaded with pearls and wore a veil trimmed and caught up with pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. Her maid-of-honor wore a rose silver-tone silk gown with a picture hat to match and carried a bouquet of California roses. The bride’s traveling suit was of dark blue tricotine timed with platinum and a gray picture hat to match.

Music, during the ceremony, was furnished by Miss Agnes Hassett, Thomas L’Esperance, violinist, and Edward Seeley.

A reception, with a breakfast served to about 75, was held at the home of the bride’s parents on Stickney road. The home was prettily decorated with cut flowers and palms.

The bridegroom’s gift to his bride was a string of pearls. The gift to the maid-of-honor was a string of pearls. The best man received a gold pencil and the ushers each a gold stickpin.

Mrs. Seeley attended boarding school in Montreal and was employed in the Goodnow-Pearson store for six years. Mr. Seeley was a member of the 26th division and served for 18 months overseas. He was a member of Co. D., Sixth regiment, and was transferred to the 102nd infantry of Connecticut. He is employed by the Moriarty Electric Co. as an electrician.

Guests were present from Boston, Beverly, Springfield, Montreal and Franklin.

After a trip to Springfield, Hartford and New York, Mr. and Mrs. Seeley will make their home at 69 Highland avenue, and will be at home after May 7.

They received a telegram of congratulation from Rev. Fr. Marchand, a cousin of the bride, who is stationed at Manitoba, Canada.

Published in the Fitchburg Sentinel (Fitchburg, Massachusetts), Monday April 16, 1923

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