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Francis James Seeley


Gender: Male


Spouse: Gladys Mae Leyman

Date of Marriage: November 15, 1933

Marriage Place: Cold Spring, NY


Announcement has been made of the marriage of Gladys Mae Leyman of 304 Mill street this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leyman of Millbrook, to Francis James Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seely of 22 South Brett street, Beacon. The ceremony was performed Wednesday night at 8 o’clock in the rectory of the of Our Lady of Loretta church, Cold Spring, with the Rev. Leo Ryan officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lucy of Beacon attended the couple. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served for relatives and close friends. The bride is employed in the Poughkeepsie Telephone exchange, and was recently stationed at the Beacon exchange. Mr. Seeley is associated with the Jova Brick company at Roseton. Upon their return from a wedding trip to the north, the couple will live in this city.

Published in the Poughkeepsie Eagle News, Friday November 17, 1933 page 4

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