Bessie L. Seely
Gender: Female
Spouse: Edward H. Steen
Date of Marriage: September 13, 1933
Marriage Place: San Antonio, TX
Gender: Female
Spouse: Edward H. Steen
Date of Marriage: September 13, 1933
Marriage Place: San Antonio, TX
The marriage of Miss Bessie L. Seely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Seely to Edward H. Steen, took place Wednesday evening at the Baptist temple, with the Rev. Jesse L. Yelvington, pastor performing the ceremony.
The altar was decorated with baskets of gladioli against a background of palms and ferns. The bride was attended by Miss Mildred Phillips as maid of honor and Larry Sheldon was best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Steen left immediately after the ceremony for a trip to West Texas.
Published in the San Antonio Light, September 14, 1933 page 4
[Great-Granddaughter of SGS # 3174 – Bessie L.; Harry William, Richard S. William Henry (#3174); Obadiah (#1389); Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]