Rufus G. Seeley
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1836
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1836
SEELEY, RUFUS G. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 21, P.O. White Hall. R.G. Seeley was born on the homestead of his parents, A. Stewart Seeley and Laney, in 1836. His preliminary education was received in the log cabin of by-gone days, where the seats were constructed of slabs, the writing desks of the same material. The first teacher of Mr. Seeley was Col. Richard Johnson, who was liberally educated fro the period of time in which he lived. On leaving the school room young Seeley’s time was fully occupied on the farm. In his twenty-second year he was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Bigham. His first purchase of land consisted of ninety-five acres. Adding to this yearly he now owns 240. Mr. Seeley has three children: Nora Jane, Maud and Eda B. Page 562, “History of Green County, Illinois: Its Past and Present,” Donnelley, Gassette & Loyd Publishers, Chicago 1879, donated by Bette Lou Upton Nienstedt.
[Son of SGS # 2328 – Rufus G.; Anthony Stewart (#2328); Guy (#835); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]