Horatio N. Seelye
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 23, 1828
Birth Place: St. George, New Brunswick, Canada
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 23, 1828
Birth Place: St. George, New Brunswick, Canada
Horatio N. Seelye, whose birth dates June 23d, 1828, is a native of St. George, New Brunswick, where his attention was given to lumbering until coming to this State in 1856. He first located at St. Anthony, then farmed one year about nine miles west of the city, after which he commenced business as contractor and builder, to which he devoted his energies until coming to this place in 1880, as a member of the manufacturing firm of Horr, Seeyle & Co. The firm at once erected, and now operate a sash, door, and blind factory, in which enterprise they have been eminently successful. Mr. Seelye was united in marriage with Miss Emma Brockway, of New Brunswick, the ceremony dating June 1st, 1850. Of ten children born of this union, nine are living. Two daughters—the oldest—are married and living in Minneapolis; the others still share the parental roof.
Page 661, “History of the upper Mississippi Valley,” by H. N. Winchell, Published by the Minnesota Historical Company, Minneapolis, 1881