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Support Your Society

Fostering an Active and Vibrant Society
Financial Support

Your membership dues and additional financial donations support the variety of expenses the Society incurs, including trade memberships, website development and hosting, newsletter production and postage, Seeley Library and research support, reunion expenses, etc.  Click the button below to donate to the SGS.  Donations are tax deductible.

Volunteer Opportunities

Dedicated volunteers keep the SGS operational, without whom the Society would cease to exist.  Your active participation in the Society is needed and welcomed.

The list below outlines some of the opportunities for volunteers.  Please let us know if you’d be interested in any of the listed positions or have other talents and interests to offer in support of the Society and fellow members.  Email our Membership Chair at membership@seeley-society.org.  Your information and willingness will be passed onto the SGS Executive Board and officers, or members of SGS who can use it.

SGS Board of Directors Positions

  • Elected Officers:  President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Genealogist, & 3 Directors
  • Appointed Officers:  Membership Chair, Seeley DNA Lineage Project Manager, Historian, Newsletter Editor, and others as needed

SGS Committee Participation

  • Standing Committees:  Awards & Recognition Committee, SGS Research Committee, DNA Research Committee, Publications/Communications Committee, & SGS Website Committee

Other Types of Assistance Needed

  • Research on Y-DNA, mtDNA, or autosomal DNA to increase ways to make this science more useful to SGS members.
  • Assistance in finding members who may have moved, or with whom we’ve otherwise lost contact.
  • Assist members by researching genealogical data collected from a number of sources, including SGS, and suggesting further research opportunities.
  • Assist the SGS Secretary in tracking action items.
  • Track metrics, like total SGS assets, total SGS membership, and other information that measure the health of the Society.
  • Solicit and analyze members’ ideas for those most likely to positively influence growth in the health of SGS and its goals.
  • Assist with the objective of “documenting SGS” by helping with Newsletter content and publication, the Reunion Souvenir Book content and publication, use of Facebook and other social media to communicate with Members, and website content and organization.
  • Develop ways for members to pay their dues online, pay for documents or items SGS offers for sale online, or pay for a paper-copy subscription to the SGS Newsletter.
  • Improve ways to notify members when their periodic financial commitments are due.
  • Assist with the collection and recording of Seeley data in SGS databases.
  • Teach elements of genealogy during SGS Reunions.
  • Assist with planning for effective and interesting SGS Reunions.
Looking to pay for the 2023 SGS International Reunion fees online? Learn How